Hobgoblin Attack

A few days later, the caravan was attacked by sixteen hobgoblins mounted on worgs. Flaming arrows were fired into the wagons, and fortunately, Quinn was able to create water to douse the flames. After the opponents closed the distance, Blink used his message spell to talk with one of the hobgoblins. He found out that they wanted everything within the wagons.   The mounted opponents began to circle the wagons, making a lot of noise. The party and guards did their best to strike out into the darkness with their ranged weapons, and Aldrich wandered out to engage with his axe. The first fatality was scored by Aldrich when he struck down a worg with his axe. Quinn landed a heavy blow to the hobgoblin rider, and Barrett finished off the creature with an arrow.   Six of the riders moved into the circle of wagons while the others fled back towards the woods from which they came.   Blink cast sleep on the six, making one rider and one worg unconscious.   The party and guards pressed their attack, focusing on the opponents now within the circle of wagons. One of the worgs killed a guard, to which the guards responded by killing a worg and Quinn and Aldrich dropped another worg. A hobgoblin retaliated by killing another guard.   The hobgoblins and worgs within the circle decided to run for the woods. As they fled, the fighters killed another worg, Quinn killed a hobgoblin, and Barrett killed another hobgoblin.   Another volley of arrows were fired into the wagons, missing all their targets.   Stubing gave the order for his men to mount up and charge after the hobgoblins. Barrett told all the men to stand down and not follow Stubing's foolish orders. The men rode off...   Blink created an illusion of a wyvern to help drive off the enemies, assisted by Quinn's magic to make it appear as if the wyvern was actually breathing fire.   With Stubing and the others adequately distracted, Barrett decided it was time to find out what the wagons were transporting. There had been far too many attacks for the cargo to be something mundane.   He was able to pick a lock, and found the contents to be mundane weapons, barrels of whiskey, and herbs along with a fancy suit of plate armor. The rogue tried to determine if he had time for further exploration of the contents, and decided to try to liberate a short sword from the supplies within the wagon.   Once he entered into the wagon, the suit of plate mail animated and closed to attack...   Barrett was attacked by the animated suit of armor within the wagon, but managed to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge his way out of the wagon without any harm. He re-locked the door, and Stubing was none the wiser.


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