Into the Woods

6 days after the bandit attack, a loud scream and sounds of a skrimish were heard from one of the wagons. Stubing ran over and looked inside. He responded with "Oh Chestie..." and laughed. He told the party that Chestie was his little guardian pet.   5 days later, the caravan was heading directly for some thick woods. As they approached, Stubing rode by himself to the woods and blew a horn that sounded like a high pitched whistle. He then motioned for the caravan to approach. A path through the woods appeared. Once within the woods, the party heard a whistling sound. It was a mix of the sound of wind passing between the trees, but there was something supernatural present as well. It felt like the party was being watched...   The party learned that they were within the Whistling Woods, which were protected by the Clan of the Whistling Woods and their leader, the Lady of the Whistling Woods (they should really just call her Lady Dubs to cut down on all the alliteration being used here).


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