Manticore Attack

On the fifth day of week 10, shortly after midnight, Blink and Aldrich were on watch and heard the sounds of wings flapping. They woke the party and guards. Nicholas was able to spot a creature as it passed in front of the moon, and struck it with his crossbow. The creature made a sound like a lion.   Everybody hid underneath the wagons, except for Saul, who remained tied in place on top of one of the wagons.   Blink used his earth spell to extinguish the fire. The three creatures landed---they were manticores.   Aldrich drew first blood, striking one with a javelin. Saul was partially eaten (and killed) by a manticore.   The party told Stubing and the guards to remain hidden while they dispatched two of the creatures (with Aldrich's axe still cussing away). The third was distracted by the sound of a wounded elk (created by Blink's illusion magic). It decided to flee once it was on its own.


Saul, you dirty bastard. In the end, you were worth the same either way. As it turns out though, you also gave a manticore a last meal.


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