So it begins...

Winter falls on Sleetfall

The party met in the town of Sleetfall. Quinn and Aldrich came to know each other as they met in a tavern and spent a day sampling the finest of ales the local establishments had to offer. Blink and Barrett met at the city square, first inspecting the wanted posters and then finding a job notice with a caravan. They agreed the job looked interesting and then headed to a tavern to pass the day. One the way in, the four met....Blink and Aldrich literally. After the four discovered they would all be joining the caravan together, they spent the day talking about their journeys, some of the party being much more open about their lives than others.   The next day, they headed to the caravan to interview for positions (pay is 10GP per day per person) and to help load the wagons. The group departed that late afternoon. In the caravan were 10 wooden box wagons, each containing unknown cargo. Only the caravan master (Captain Stubing--a heavy set middle-aged human with a bald head and a scruffy beard) and his cook (Emeril) had access to the keys to open the various locks. There were generally 4 horses pulling each wagon, though some were pulled by oxen. Some spare horses and oxen as well as mules and milk cows were brought along. Riding on each wagon was a human driver and a human guard. Five additional seasoned human guards rode beside the caravan on horses.   The party members were each given a horse to ride as well, however Blink decided that riding on a wagon was much better suited for him.


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