Stirge Attack

A horse was the first to be attacked, and the party and guards sprang into action...except for three of the guards that decided to flee.   The first wave of stirges were put to sleep by Blink, however a much larger swarm entered the camp and began to attack everybody.   One of the seasoned warriors and seven of the guards fell in combat before the stirges were dispatched. Quinn was able to call upon his healing magic, and was able to save the warrior and three of the guards. Blink prepared graves for the four guards that perished.   The next two days passed uneventfully, and the caravan reached the village of Dog Keep. They recruited three human men to join. Stubing sold some items from the wagons and refilled with new wares. Emeril roasted some hogs for the caravan members and the citizens of the village. The group remained there for two days to rest and recover.

Body Count

30 Stirges
4 Guards - RIP
Start Date
Ending Date


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