Candlekeep Building / Landmark in Twearth | World Anvil
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Wounderous Library of knowledge and mysteries.


Candlekeep lies near the eastern coast of the Audaic Peninsula, situated high above the sea, surrounded by steep cliffs to the east, mountains to the north and a wide river to the east, this library is not only protected by it's natural boundaries, but a heavy dose of magic as well. Home to the worlds biggest selection of unique and rare books, no place guards its secrets better than Candlekeep.
Candlekeep is run by a group of schollars and sages called The Avowed with their own internal structure and hierarchy.

Rules and Restrictions

In order to gain admittance to Candlekeep, one must submit an original piece of work, that the library doesn't already posess. Once allowed to enter through the main gates, one may come and go, or stay inside the walls as they please for 10 days

The rules inside the Keep grounds are simple:
  • No fighting. All arguments must follow the rules of cordial debate and discussion. Violent altercations are not tolerated.
  • No stealing. This rule applies to all objects in the keep, not just the library's works.
  • No copying. Visitors are permitted to take notes while studying, but anyone who wants to make a full copy of the work must pay to have the manuscripts created by scribes at the House of the Binder.
  • No damaging, marking, or otherwise modifying the works. This rule doesn't apply to privately owned books, scrolls , and other documents that aren't part of Candlekeep's collection.

Shops & Locations

The Hearth

The first place for weary travellers to stop by, this spacious yet cozy tavern always has vacant seats, and if it hasn't it will just generate more using interdimensional spaces.
Drop by for a drink or a hot meal prepared by head chef Vincent van Cock or chat up the visiting scholars and adventurers.

-An assortment of drinks and hot meals can be bought here, as well as private, secure chambers and meeting rooms for 5gp / day

Bath and Steamhouse

For the worn out and exhausted adventurers.
Rest your back in a heated pool, or sweat out a recent intoxication in the sauna, followed by an ice cold dip. All your spa needs are covered here, prices vary with treatment

House of Rest

For traveling guests who wish to stay the night.
The place has a cozy atmosphere, and noisy guests are directed elsewhere.
In the buildings basement exists an extension of the library, where mending is being performed, and unarchieved books are stored.

-Visitors can find accomodation here for 1gp / night per guest

Pillars of Pedagogy

For those wishing to dwelve into their studies, these tall spiral towers have just the room to suit your needs; be it a clean interior or lavish decor, or a room covered by a silence spell. We got it.
Rooms are free but specific chambers may need to be booked in advance.

Smithy, Stables and Outfitters

The smithy can provide the most basic needs in steel and iron, and more unusual products by request.
The stables can provide care for your loyal steed, as well as rent out horses, carriages and more exotic beasts for those in a rush.
The Erudite Outfitters and Clothiers covers your every repair need sustained on your adventures, and will tailor anything in the realms of wizardy robes.

House of the Binder

Books lended at the library can be copied here if you wish to bring it outside the Keep gates. The art of caligraphy is treasured here, and books bound by non-magical means.

-Books copied here cost 100gp / book or double for translations. Hefty tomes may incur additional charges
-Spellbooks can be copied for 50gp per level of spells

Notable NPCs

Adventure Notes


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