Griffith Mercer Character in Twearth | World Anvil
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Griffith Mercer

Griffith Mercer

Griffith Mercer Griffith Mercer was born into a poor working-class family in the most corrupt city of the region. His birth was one of the most grotesque and savage that the human species had ever witnessed, as his mother died without ever seeing his face. From a young age, Mercer showed little interest in playing with other children, preferring to spend his time alone in remote and isolated places in the city. At first, he hid on the city's rooftops, but when it became too difficult to escape the bullies, he discovered the ancient catacombs, which became his favorite spot. One day, bullies looking for the scrawny and pathetic Griffith entered the sewers and found him. Behind a curtain of smoke, they glimpsed the shadows of dozens of skinned cats hanging around Griffith. The young Mercer, about to gouge out another feline's eyes, was petrified to see the other boys staring at him. He felt very afraid, thinking they would give him a good beating. However, the boys fled in terror after seeing the terrible scene. That day Griffith felt great relief. Upon returning home, he found his emaciated father sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of cheap liquor and smoking a nearly finished cigarette. Griffith loved his father Joaquim, who was very intelligent and skilled with his hands, always working on new inventions whenever he was not working in the factory. Over the years, he exchanged inventing for drinking, and spent less and less time at home. Griffith never knew how his father's skin felt; he never touched him. That day, his father said: "I can't take it anymore! You're a damn monster! You took away what I loved the most, and I've had to see your damn face every day since the day you killed my beloved Marjorie! I always knew there was a demon inside you. Everyone in the city told me, and I never wanted to listen. You were all I had left of my sweet Marjorie, and I wanted to give you a chance, but now I regret it. I should have spared the world the suffering you'll cause and ended you. Don't think I didn't have the chance. I've been developing this contraption for years, but I just can't..." Joaquim got up, finished the remaining liquor in his glass, and raised his arm to open a drawer. From it, he pulled out a contraption Griffith had never seen before, a miniature crossbow with no trigger, but a very long tube instead. Staggering and with a gaunt look in his eyes, Joaquim approached Griffith and pointed the tool at his face. He swallowed hard, and in a supine movement, redirected the weapon to his own skull and pulled the trigger. Griffith fell to the ground at the loud noise and saw his father's lifeless body lying there. The boy was completely petrified, staring at his father's dead body. Blood flowed from Joaquim's head and eventually reached the boy's slender fingers. Griffith felt a strange warmth inside him; it was the first time he had touched his father. Three years later, Griffith had learned that the only way to survive in that city was to distrust everyone around you. Murder became part of his nature, no longer a natural response but rather a justification for his survival. He also learned to hide his emotions and even show affection for others if that meant getting some food. One day, at the age of 13, Griffith was lurking in his usual tavern, looking for some gullible person to rob. He spotted a lonely man sitting near a window and decided that he would be his victim that night. For some reason, the conversation didn't go exactly as Griffith expected, and before he knew it, he was opening up to this person and telling him about his aspirations for a different world and how he longed to become stronger and stronger. Griffith's thoughts flowed out to the stranger uncontrollably. After hours of talking, the stranger finally said: 'Would you be willing to offer up your humanity for your dream? I can give you what you desire. There are ways to transcend the poor and inefficient human nature. However, everything has a price. You will pay us with your loyalty, your flesh, and your blood.' At that offer, Griffith thought of nothing but his vision of himself as a superior creature capable of changing this corrupt and dirty world. He did not question who that man was, whom he worked for, or in what way the promised power would be given to him, but without a second thought, Griffith said: 'Take me with you.' That man belonged to... SPOILER !! Griffith was ansious for power and soon became one of its most valuable members. As his power grew, so did his ambition. Mercer became more and more ruthless and willing to do anything to achieve his goals. His combat techniques improved over the years, and the organization was always willing to provide any resources necessary for its best assassin to develop his weapons. At 19, Griffith developed the first prototype based on that instrument with which he saw his father take his own life, and he called it Joaquim. In homage to his father, Griffith developed a weapon identical to the one he called Marjorie. , Mercer has always maintained a certain emotional distance from his teammates. He prefers to work alone and trusts in his own ability to overcome any obstacle. Mercer has earned a reputation as a cold-blooded killer and a cunning manipulator. He has had some clashes with other rival organizations, but he has always managed to emerge victorious thanks to his gunplay and his wit. Mercer knows he cannot trust anyone and is always looking for ways to manipulate others for his own benefit. Despite being an important member of the organization, Mercer is always looking for ways to increase his own power and wealth. He has accumulated a great deal of money and resources, but he knows it is never enough. He believes his destiny is to become the most powerful man in the city, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it."

Rejects weakness, craves power. Depraved, degenerate, and a complete addict. His sanity is only sane in the idealized world he longs to build.

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Neutral Evil
Light Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.92 m
78 kg

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