Seth's Diary Document in Twearth | World Anvil
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Seth's Diary

This diary is wrapped in black leather and tied shut using a fine silken ribbon.
The text is in infernal, however, the handwriting is neat even to the untrained eye. Gothic doodles adorn the margins of every page.
Only a handful of us made it through the rift in what was the long-awaited ritual of the decade - we promptly feasted on half of the acolytes...
For too long has She taxed the generosity of the Lords without delivering on her promise. Someone ought to neuter that Queen, that she may keep her mind on the task ahead. Her underlings even refuse the callings and enjoy their demonic gifts without facing repercussions. Surely I will do more for the coming of the Heralds than she has accomplished in two millennia.

Lumina, 6th, 2017
Assimilating amongst the mortals was far too easy. I tire of winter and of attending these pretentious feasts with the aristocracy and the magnates...
As I spew my preposterous "ideas", the puppets nod in agreement and lament the ingratitude of the masses. The only thing I despise more are the very peons that serve them. Oh - how they endure!.. What is weakness if not inaction in the face of such blatant abuse.

If I had but a fraction of the Legions forces here we could sow the chaos required in a matter of weeks.

Zefferus, 34th, 2018
A change of scenery.
I have decided to ally myself to a trio of Sisters - a distrustful bunch... Nevertheless they have devised a ritual to truly exploit the weaknesses of humanity and plant the seeds of misery. All they require from me is the occational... "harvest"
They each hold a seperate key to the ritual, and would double-cross eachother in an instant were it not for their sense of self-preservation.
I would slaughter them and conduct this plan on my own, was it not for the significant power they possess as a group.

Midsummer, 2nd, 2018
The imbeciles apparently have the owner of this establishment locked up on the premises, likely keeping her alive for no feasible reason, other than being the spiteful bitches that they are. They claim to serve that second Wife... talking of aiding the war effort as if it started yesterday. The affairs of these Godlets are truly beyond me. I doubt the hags serve anyone but their own petty self-interrest.

Frostfall, 23rd, 2019
The visitors have started returning - dark side of the bargain in full effect and all. I would have expected this operation to be compromised by now, but the peasants flock to the very place they made their misstep, begging to be fixed once again. The hags have even taken servants: making promises they have no intentions of keeping...

They have been stabilizing the essences they steal. Shipped off to "aid the war effort". They have saved a few, however, just to keep the pets in line.
I believe they even have the one they took from that Priestess, just to taunt her.

Vernus, 13th, 2020
This might be the one! Finally some progress.
A man arrived about a week ago, Tulpa Hollowgale... I think I even recognize him from my time in the city. Fortunately I have changed my guise since then. Already such joyously deep despair his face bore. And in this moment, the Sisters and he have agreed to rid him of his anxiety.

I have convinced the hags not to claim the debts owed by this one. Oh no no no no, not this one: My Forgemaster will remain fearless!

The following years appear uneventful, however, the latest entry reads:

Harvestide, 4th, 2023
A peculiar group arrived yesterday. Capable, I must say. They already took care of the little pest spirit that had inhabited the pools. They reek of the Godlets too, especially the short one, he carries His scent.... even took a bargain in a heartbeat... oh, the apple does not fall far from the treacherous tree. Wheels are in motion once again, this will be fun to watch unfold.

Alas, I suspect our time here is up. Notably with that dog sniffing around.
Well, I long for the Boundless Pits anyway.


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