Therianthropy Condition in Twearth | World Anvil
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This work is an elaboration on the publication "Therianthropy: A Study in Neurotransmitter Divergence". (Porporas, 1757) by Dr. Astan Irenaar.
The additions to the study is a result of a series of interviews with affected volunteers, by Father Glaren, The Generic Church of Westporporan Parish. (1759)


The following is an abstract of Doctor Irenaar's study on therianthropic history, causation, pathogenic nature, and neurological impact. At the end of the publication I have added my own findings, based on the conversations I have had with affected citizens as part of my pastoral duties.
These people have in part volunteered upon request, after I reached out to the communities following my initial conversations. Those who reached out to me did so either to atone for wrongdoings related to their emotional torment, in an attempt to better themselves somehow, or simply because they needed a listening ear.

What interrested me about these consultations, was that several participants expressed a fascination with religious subcultures, that are thought to be our forefathers understanding and personification of traits recognized as unfavorable in the eyes of God.
I have included my notes as they relate to each weretype - as well as brief summaries of the figures of legend associated with them - together with Irenaar's findings on the respective neurological triggers and transmitter deviations.

Finally I wish to emphasize that I do NOT condone the lack of ethical considerations for the subjects involved in Irenaar's study and the methods by which it was conducted.


Spotting signs of therianthropy can be exceedingly difficult.
Unless triggered the affected individual can hide any visible indication, and appear identical to a healthy human. And by all means, these creatures are physically sound, even surpassing the capabilities of an average man, in terms of strength, reflexes, senses, endurance, and resilience. The same cannot be said for their mental health, however, as will be discussed later.
The disease appears to have no short- or long term effect on life expectancy, reproduction, motor functionality, growth, aging, or other observable property.

The defining trait of someone being affected with therianthropy is the ability to shapechange between three forms at will. The first is their human guise, the second an authentic semblance of their corresponding animal, and lastly a sort of hybrid form, in which the specific features on display are completely under the affecteds control. These include:
  • Large canines, beak, or a full set of carnassial teeth.
  • Sprouting of wings, a calcaneus bone, or quadrupedal legs.
  • Claws or talons.
  • Beastial or nocturnal eyes.
  • Thickening of bodyfair to the degree that they resemble fur or feathers.

The ability to shapechange is related to the changed functionality of the cerebrum. During the transformation, the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through cellular respiration is severely elevated (in the region of ten thousandfold), effectively replacing near every cell in the host in the blink of an eye (There are exceptions to this, see Skinchangers).
The new cells are created in part through breakdown of existing cells, but also through accelerated metabolization of glucose, making it a costly endeavour in terms of energy consumption. Subjects undergoing stress-testing were able to shapechange, at most, 69 times, usually followed by falling unconscious and laying comatose for up to 8 days.


We have isolated the cause of the condition to be related to a prion produced and contained within - and released from - the submandibular glands of affected individuals.
The prion, upon entering a new host, causes the proteins that make up the brain tissue to mutate, changing its chemical ballance, functionality and capabilities. Freshly infected showed limited signs of cell-transformation almost immediately in the majority of participants, and without fail in every participant when subject to exterior stress stimuli.
The identified prion is not produced - and thus the condition cannot be passed on - before the theriantropic features are fully manifested. This extrinsic incubation period (the time before the affected can themself transfer the disease) can vary greatly, and will take anywhere from two months to over a year.

Transmission & Vectors

The condition is transmitted through a bite or other form of contact with the saliva of the carrier into a fresh wound.
The affected does, however, have to carry the intend of infecting another individual, which seem to trigger a nervous response, releasing the prion from the submandibular glands. Do note that overstimulation or stress factors may involuntarily trigger this nervous response.
Lastly the receiver has to be a viable host, which is related to preceding development within the limbic system, depending on the type of therianthropic variety that is being transmitted. Carriers report that they instinctively recognize viable hosts. Test subjects who were pointed out as incompatible did indeed suffer from temporary brain damage, and transmittance was unsuccessful.


No well-documented effort to cure the condition had been made prior to the 1024-incident (See History), which saw a rise in involuntary victims.
To this day, the only process known to work is decidedly overpriced and involves the continual influx of powerful arcane energies, such as from the Greater Restoration spell, over a period of several days.
The goal is to eradicate each and every misfolded piece of brain-tissue, in the hopes that they are replaced with healthy cells. If the process is ceased early, for any reason, the abnormal proteins will start replicating themselves anew.
The prognosis, however, is poor, and the treatment is just as likely to leave the patient with permanent brain damage.


The earliest accounts of beastmen, to our knowledge, date back to the very first years following The Shift. We recognize that the sudden lack of light and photosynthesis resulted in mass near-extinction of numerous different lifeforms, and that surviving species underwent rapid evolutionary adaptation.
The cold and lightless conditions on the surface world also provided suitable habitats for new emerging species, previously and subsequently unseen, as evidenced by fossils only found in sedimentary layers relating to the period.

Fossil: Unknown Fungal-Insectoid
Fossil dated to approximately year 10 PS. Fungus emerging from the carapace of an insect-like creature, forming arms from the fungal matter.

As our conjecture of the time period is formed on the basis of archaeological findings and non-scientific contemporary accounts, we are offered no definitive- and an abbundance of possible solutions to the origin of the condition: It could be a fungal or bacterial infection affecting brain tissue.
It could be a disease borne by unknown subterranean species.
It could be toxin ingestion as a result of food scarcity.
It could an inherently occurring mutation caused by external stress stimuli.
It's even speculated that beasts adapted into human bastions of civilization, either to prey on them or to rely on them for survival.

What we do know is that the condition was immediately transmittable and spread uncontrollably in the first two decades following The Shift. Werebeasts were then routinely hunted and shunned from society, until infected individuals had no option but to seclude themselves, or attempt to avoid drawing attention.
Therianthropes since became a less frequent phenomenon - their feral tendencies lessened with time - and would in the following years be welcomed back in to cities and communities, although most prefer to remain in their human guise.

The condition at present does not have pandemic status, and spread outside of voluntary exposure is exceedingly rare. The last resurgence happened in 1024 when Lycanthropes planally ran rampant throughout the night, with casualties estimated to be over 20.000. Response to the tragedy varied. With no proven preliminary communication between affected individuals, this event was classified as an abnormal occourrance, rather than an act of terror. There was also little grounds on which to place any personal culpability amidst the chaos that transpired.
Most Kingdoms placed known werewolves under increased superveillance. Others, like the Cartheneans, outright exiled them from their territory (or worse). Later, many of their descendants would fight on the side of Auda during the War of the Twins, granting them full amnesty following the ensuing victory.

Cultural Reception

Today, therianthropes blend seamlessly into society.
That is not to say, that they are met with irrefutable inclusivity, but more so, that the general populace is ignorant to their very existance. Most live a relatively normal life and their neighboors are none the wiser.

Many werebeast only express their animalistic form amongst peers in underground communities. There appears to be an unwritten codex that one should not abuse the capabilities granted by the affliction, as well as being wary of who, you decide to pass it on to.
Many in the occult environment aspire to receive this Gift - as they call it - of therianthropy. These individuals are commonly reffered to as furries.

However, not all werebeasts adhere to this path of normalcy, as they are still overrepresented in crime statistics, often in sudden influxes. This is because they tend to form small secretive factions for organized crime, abusing their shapeshifting abilities, or manipulating furries into lending their assistance.

Table of Contents


Artisctic drawing of a Lycanthrope.
Originally published in Thirst Magazine (1754)
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species
Most therianthropes can change their biological makeup in the blink of an eye. However, a more primal subset of Lycanthropes, known as Skinchangers, undergo a painful transformation in which they shed their flesh and muscle tissue, as a wolfen form emerges from within.

Subject Classification

All experiments are fully approved under the jurisdiction of The City State of Porporas, and utilize the full extent of authority granted by the Medical Reasearch License:
Class-A - (Voluntary) Non-intrusive procedures only, participants retain all rights including claiming damages. Participants are fully insured.
Class-B - (Paid or Misdemeanor) Participants can be paid, or their services state-sanctioned in place of a fine. Thoroughly tested and non-destructive procedures only. Participants are entitled to limited insurance.
Class-C - (Convicted felons) Participants provide their services for a sentence reduction. Procedures may cause functional impairment no higher than 25%. License Holder may be held liable under aggravating circumstances.
Class-0 - (Capital Punishment) Participants renounce all rights. Participant's next of kin will receive a predetermined compensation for their services.

Neurotransmitter Abnormalities & Metaphysical Correlation

Study on Therianthropic Neural Activity
Diagram of divergent neural response and hormonal release patterns in different therianthropes.
Jackalweres, Felidweres & Gnolls
While not strictly therianthropic, they do share very similar features of shapechanging. However, this group is more accurately reffered to as Werebeasts, in that they are animals, who can take human form, and are incapable of infecting humans.
Our research found that they are still little more than beasts; often congregating in small groups and adhering to some pack leader. They showed an elevated level of oxytocin and a strong, visible, repsonse to imagery related to things generally considered taboo. Leaving the subjects alone with common household objects, after telling them they were not allowed to touch it, produced a similar response. Furthermore, endorphin effeciency spiked when subject to pain, eliciting positive responses during prolonged application.

I only had few opportunities to interview members of the werebeast community. They are a secretive bunch, or at least enjoy appearing that way. Most showed no genuine interrest in unburdening themselves, but were more focused on snooping in the business of my other clients. Those I talked with did indeed admit to following some local superior. When pressed for more information, a mysterious pantherman told me that: "They [their leader] don't even know the full picture. It's just a piece in Sha'ress' grand scheme."

Sha'ress: Also called The Lady of Lust, The Two-faced Godess, or The Firstchosen, was a pagan godess of the forbidden: adultery, hidden knowledge, power and the abuse of it. Being "possessed by Sha'ress" was a popular excuse for having an affair. In folktales about her she is also said to frequent the realm of mortal men (and women alike).
She is depicted as a voluptuous woman clad in golden robes, often with feline features, such as one or several tails, and a catlike face.
In the Myth of Kerk Mortis she is said to be His first wife, and that she had a hand in striking the deal with The Boundless, and thus, is also associated with demonic worship.
The wolfmen, while still dogs, are nothing like the Werebeasts; they carry themselves with composure.
Our studies found that they have a near-normal chemical balance, except for higher than average levels of serotonin. Voluntary transformation saw a spike in norepinephrine, increasing alertness, reflexes, and sharpening senses. Involuntary transformation resulted in adrenaline production rising to astronomical levels.
Involuntary triggers relates to angering the subject, and thus, are very subjective to the individual test subject. These included but were not limited to:
  • Making constant subtle slights at their physical appearance, then later remark that their insecurities are the root of their relationship problems.
  • Continually apologize that today's session is delayed, and that we will begin shortly.
  • Starting any discussion, then adamantly demand sources for any claim made.
  • Indicating that female oppression is a fabrication.
  • Starting any political discussion. Once the subject utters the words: "We live in a society", simply leave the room and watch it unfold.
Prolonged confinement to indoor areas without windows seem to increase irritability. Furthermore, an involuntary repsonse is almost guaranteed when implementing forceful action against the subject, as well as when harm is done to their relatives. However, these mothods are often to the detriment of research members, despite safety procedures.
The level of restraint shown seems to correlate with the degree to which the subject loses self-control when involuntary transformation happens: One class-0 subject, convicted of manslaughter under the premise that he was therianthropic, refuted this fact, depite our data saying otherwise. Involuntary transformation was not achieved before bringing his two children before him, and injected them with pain-inducing toxins (to which we held the antidote). In the ensuing incident, the subject broke their manacles upon transformation, then killed the three present staff members instantly. Back-up personnel outside the cell activated the room's safety mechanisms, while the subject proceeded to fatally wound his daughter, and initiate attacks against his son before the sedatives took effect. The boy survived with severe lacerations.

What Dr. Irenaar put these men and women through is beyond me.
The werewolves are amongst the more self-aware and disciplined people I have had the fortune of meeting. They state blatantly that they "carry the wrath of Malar" within them, and that it is their burden to bear.
Most appreciate the benefits that this curse comes with, however, and each had their reasons to accept it willingly at the time; be that a wish to protect those they love, to serve their country in times of war, or as a means to survive another illness.
Many already attend group therapy to work on anger management, and everyone of them report starring at the moons to actively calm their temper. This inexplicable effect does have some merit based on the mythos, but was regrettably never scientifically studied by Astan.

Malar: The Great Ape in his prime was hunted by a large pack of direwolves. They kept coming at him from all sides, some keeping Malar busy, whilst others retreated to recuperate. This battle went on for weeks, until the wolfpack had hunted him into a large clearing in the woods. Having completely surrounded him, Malar stood tall, utterly scarred and lacerated, and starred the Alpha down, fire still burning in his eyes.
In this moment, Malar illuminated by the light of Una, the wolves bowed to him.
Malar is depicted as a silverback gorilla, partly enveloped in ancient golden armor, and given enhanced sentience by Kerk Mortis, as a show of recognition for his unwavering ferocity.
We have identified an amino acid which, to our knowledge, is only present in the wererat therianthrotype. The aptly named rodentine seems to completely inhibit serotonin, causing an inability to feel satiated from the consumption of food, poor sleep regulation, mild agression, and constant anxiety. Rodentine seems to be momentarily supressed by dopamine, the release of which was predominantly linked to:
  • Being put in a position of authority.
  • The exertion of power.
  • Inflicting pain on others.
We were also able to chemically induce dopamine release to the same effect.
Sleep deprivation and starvation was found to trigger involuntary transformation and irreversible desperate behaviour: One subject attempted to claw their way out of their cell, and had to receive medical attention after exposing the bone of several digits. Another assumed rat form and assaulted personnel present to monitor their condition, by climbing under their protective equipment and tunneling into their vital organs. The patient did not return to their senses before devouring the body during the course of a day.

I was lucky to speak with quite the selection of wererats. They came to me in numbers, expressing great frustration over their plight. Many were unable to muster the ressources for a sustainable living, and had difficulties keeping an occupation due to impulsiveness, erratic sleep patterns, substance abuse, and an inability to collaborate in a workspace. I would generally classify them as people who "look out for themselves", to the best of their ability. The select few that described themselves as "happy" had, admittedly, amassed some wealth, and risen to a position of status within their... field, dubious as it may be.
Those, on the other hand, that seemed worst off, reported being severely sleep-deprived, and frequently experienced nightmares of lonelyness, being trapped in an endless void, and feeling nothing but hunger.
These individuals also reported having impulsive thoughts that were "not their own", and finding themselves suddently roused after only a few hours of sleep, sweating, and muttering the words "uls'golon".

Uls'golon: Pagan god of Gluttony; the sin well-nigh related to greed, but the satisfaction comes not from the fact of having, but from the act of taking. It is anyone's guess whether Uls'golon truly lived, or if he was purely an object of deific worship by tribes of Luceria.
He is often depicted as a well-built, barechested man with long, black, braided hair. His arms are adorned with golden bands and his skin is covered in tattoos. He is also sometimes depicted wearing an unfeasably large rodent skull on his head, decorated with several horns.
According to the tale of the formation of the Sept Separi, the sun would shine so bright, it left a scorch upon the land. So great was Uls'golons drive for conquest, despite the conditions, that he was granted the power to subjugate even the intensity of Lucer, as long as he was confined to these lands. As the seas froze over, however, he would soon wage a centuries-long war against the neighbooring islanders; the Epimeeri, an ethnic group now considered extinct. Uls'golon was known, to the Epimeeri, as Matekai. Both simply translate to "The Hunger".

The werebears emulate the hibernation behaviour of their animal kindred by producing high levels of adenosine, making them deep sleepers.
Additionally, they produce a unique mild hallucinogen, Ursacannabinol (UCB), which increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) effeciency, whilst inhibiting glutamate production. The effects are: A strong sensation of calm and relaxation, poor response to external stimuli, as well as negative impact on short-term memory and learning capabilities. Ursacannabinol is also exuded in the form of an odorless gas through the eccrine sweat glands, affecting those in their proximity for prolonged periods of time. Personnel are adviced to wear protective respiratory equipment.

Achieving voluntary transformation in werebears is near-impossible because the subjects "just cannot be bothered".
Our studies have found that injections of Cannabinoid Receptor Blockers decreases the effects of UCB, resulting in momentary clarity. However, overdozing develops excessive glutamate build-up, causing excitotoxicity and thereby cerebrum-cellular death. The brain damage is temporary, and quickly offset by the rapid metabolism, replacement of damaged cells, and increased neuroplasticity in werebears. It does, nevertheless, trigger involuntary transformation, as well as an immediate state of confusion and untamed brutish behaviour.
The same outcome can be achieved by engaging in conversations that are engaging to the subject and/or difficult to comprehend. Topics include:
  • Psychoactive drugs such as psilocybin, THC and DMT.
  • Existentialism.
  • Income tax self-assessment.
  • Conspiracy theories.
  • Chimpanzees.

I was unable to conduct any proper interviews with the bearfolk, and I only ever had brief contact with to if them. By all accounts, they seem to be very secluded. In part because they are very inwardly focused, but also because they are "dangerous" to be around. A wererat informed me he was directed towards a sleuth looking for psychedelics. While he didn't remember much from the experience, he left the house with a full satchel, having apparently been charged nothing, however, two weeks had passed by.
Of the two that I had brief interractions with, the first wrote me, expressing discontent with his inability to find the energy to accomplish barely anything. The second approached me in the street saying: "Wow hey, you are that priest dude. I heard you are, like, getting all the beast-bros together. That's wild man, totally sign me up for a convo. I'm like... a freaking bear, dude".
I scheduled both for a later appointment, neither showed.
Without much to go off of, I would have to adhere to the pattern, and make the assumption that werebears are related to Acedia.

Acedia: Another member of the Sept Separi, although a more decentralized one. Also known as The Lord of Chaos, Acedia is said to be the essence of despair and hopelessness left behind by Kerk Mortis when he embarked on his journey. He is confined to Limbo, a concept that made it into our Generic understanding: a place of respite where the spirit goes until it is ready for the afterlife.
Acedia is the pagan god of Sloth. Modern worshippers are of the persuasion, that a reluctance to deal with the realities of life is a sign of strength, in that they are able to focus their attention on the things that matter, which, according to them, is very little in the greater scheme of things.
He is depicted as a vaguely humanoid figure with no facial features, and often wearing a hooded cloak. He is described, not as a coalescence of energy, but rather as an amalgamation of void, his surroundings brimming with the energy that tries to fill his vacant space.
Class-B subjects are plentiful amongst the birdfolk. They are extremely proprietorial, and have an uncontrollable urge to wrap their claws around anything shiny (especially things that don't belong to them), and as a result are often caught red-taloned. They often possess a hoard of valuables, and thus, should have no incentive of financial desperation for stealing.
The wereravens exhibited highly increased levels of acetylcholine, improving cognitive skills and giving near-perfect eidetic memory.
Melatonin production in response to darkness was found to increase activity, rather than induce sleepiness, as is also the case in nocturnal animals.
Dopamin release was abnormally low, and very resistant to external stimuli, except when presenting objects expressing glittering properties, or being in the vicinity of the subject's personal collection.

Being seperated from said collection for prolonged periods of time progressively decreases dopamin effeciency to the point of causing tremors and, eventually, involuntary transformation. Another effective way of quickly achieving transformation is to blindfold the subject while in the presence of their belongings, and then audibly tamper with them.
Raven therianthropy is distinct in that affected individuals, more often than not, are missing one or more minor bodily appendages, which are dismembered and consumed by the carrier upon transmitting the condition. Other than for ritualistic purposes, the unique prion seems to require an increase in platelet activation to properly bind to the new host. However, a similar pecking behaviour may manifest in the subject when exasperated through involuntary transformation. Personnel are adviced to wear protective equipment over their eyes, ears, toes, fingers, and any other vulnerable extremities.

There is a tragic beauty and symbolism to this act of giving away a part of yourself that you will never get back. There is even an understanding in the more spiritually-minded wereraven communities (or "roosts" as they are called), that this sacrifice should be something integral to the person undergoing the transformation. To the musician it might be the lute-strumming thumb; to the eloquent, a tongue; or to the one in love, the finger bearing the wedding ring. This is meant to prepare you for the constant longing you will feel for the rest of your life. Many, as they tell me, were not prepared.
"The freedom of flight unfortunately has you flying solo", as one interviewee put it. Several ravenfolk that I talked with reported feelings of depression and unfulfilment, and that any commitments they used to have were far gone: overshadowed by trust issues and the constant need to search far and wide for the next glimmer of joy. Some even told me, that they can feel the presence of curios and trinkets over great distances, whispering to them in their sleep, or during moments of relaxation. Often they would be beat to it by others of their kind.

Avar'ys: More commonly known as The Raven Queen, the pagan godess of greed. It is not difficult to the see the possible links here.
She is said to be the third and final consort of Kerk Mortis, given part dominion over a realm of her own, The Shadowfell, after insistent pleading. She would use ravens to bring jewelry, beautiful ornaments, magical items and even pretty memories to her castle.
Avar'ys had a third name, given to her by the Vistani: Reyn Em'Ma Koragin. It is Ancient, meaning "Queen", "All-Mother" and "Ravens" respectively.
The Vistani were a group of nomadic people, mostly merchants, who possessed great wealth due to their success in their trade. It is said, that they were able to cover vast distances, faster than anyone else, by being allowed passage through the Queen's Lands in exchange for rare gifts.
There is evidence to suggest that the Vistani did indeed exist, but whether they had ties to the supernatural, or simply knew of hidden routes, I will not wager.


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