Vampire Name Tradition / Ritual in Twilight Academy | World Anvil
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Vampire Name

It is a common practice for those who turned into a vampire to take on a different name than the one they had before. Names are chosen based on personality, appearance, and environment. Example: Ivan gave Natalya her name because it was snowing, and it reminded him of Christmas. By coincidence Natalya's favorite holiday is Christmas. Some vampires do choose to keep their original name many times but others don't as they see it as getting a new identity. If part of a relationship, names may also be chosen based on the name of the vampire who turned the person. Many times the appearance may change, hair may grow longer or turn a different shade, eyes may change color, and skin is guaranteed to become paler depending on skin tone.
  Many people who had their names changed upon becoming vampires had generic names such as Alice, Emily, Lucy, etc.


The very first vampires were dead bodies who came back to life, as blood-sucking creatures. Because of their transformation, many did not feel right keeping their old name, as it was their former identity, as a "living" human, and thus many choose new names to start their new lives. Many times they were given nicknames by other humans, who saw them as monsters and would take on these nicknames as a way to embrace their change. This tradition then transferred to newly turned vampires who wished to take on new identities as they wished to leave their past as a human behind.


A newly turned vampire may use their blood and write down their new name on a piece of paper, mainly a journal or contract, (something like a birth certificate) The blood will glow slightly and become ingrained into the paper, making it look like regular red ink instead of blood which would dry up on paper. This paper would be put in a wooden frame and hung up on a wall, usually in the bedroom and the newly turned vampire or in a different room with a special meaning.

Components and tools

A new vampire name can be put up on different decorations such as woodwork, paintings, crafts, and even clothing. Natalya has her name engraved in her closet. Many have their vampire certificate with other signatures written in blood on the wall of their room with a wooden frame protecting it.


Newly turned vampire, and the vampire who turned that person into one. If part of a marriage, the family of the vampire who turned the person may be there as well, depending on the circumstance. If one can choose their name they choose one and inform the vampire who turned them so they can officially change their name, if forced the vampire who turned them will inform them of their new name and they sign the paper.


Takes place after a person has finished turning into a vampire. It's nothing too fancy, It usually begins with the vampire that turned the other asking if they wish to choose a new name. If answered yes, then the newly turned can choose a name, or the vampire that turned them will give them a new name. On many occasions, the newly turned do not have the option of choosing whether or not to keep their name or choose their new name. This could be because the newly turned vampire forgot their original name, like Natalya, or maybe they were turned into a vampire against their will and forced to take upon a new name.   examples of people who kept their original name. Yvette Blackwell is a girl who was a human slave for the Blackwell family. The son fell in love and turned her into a vampire, so he could have kids with her and not the woman his parents forced him to marry. They had a son, Seth Blackwell who is one of Nyx's friends and the supernatural science teacher at Twilight Academy, and a daughter, Aurora who became a robotic scientist. One of Dracula's wives was named Ecaterina, she was the favorite and allowed to keep her name upon being turned into a vampire.   examples of people with changed names
  • Natalya: 2nd wife of Ivan, forgot her original name as she was on the verge of death so Ivan turned her into a vampire so she could continue living
  • Rose: Daughter of Mia Lancelot and her lover Arthur kirk, was orphaned in sutverold and also on the verge of death when turned into a vampire.
  • All three of Dracula's wives were turned into vampires and married off to him. Two changed their name from Alice to Arabella and Emily to Raluca.
  • Malum has a cousin who adopted a girl and her mother. The cousin turned both of them into vampires, the girl's name was changed to Desdemona and her mother's name was changed to Alina. 
  Examples of people who married vampires and were not turned. Fialovy: Wife of Malum Tenebris, she was not turned as Malum wanted to know if half-human half-vampire hybrids were possible. Lilith Mallory I: Grandmother of King Ivan's first wife, Lilith, was a succubus and thus could not be turned into a vampire as it is impossible to turn a demon into a vampire, but was able to have vampire children. Kayako Kurayami: A Yokai, which is a Japanese demon-like spirit, and while she was unable to be turned, did have pure-blooded children after marrying the vampire king, Vladimir.
Where am I?" She thought.  "I see you are awake," a deep voice said. A tall figure in dark clothing approached her. As he got closer, Natalya was able to see him more clearly. With his white skin, black eyes, and black hair, he was very attractive, all the girls must head over heels for him.  "Tell me, how do you feel?" He asked.  "Tired," she breathed out.  "I see. You will feel like that for the next few days until the transformation is complete," he explained.  "Huh...? Trans... for... ma... tion?" She said, slowly. "I'll explain it to you once you are in a better state," "What is your name?" The vampire king asked. The girl didn't say anything.  "Your name, what is it?" Ivan repeated.  "I... I don't know..." she answered, looking down.  "You do not know... perhaps you should get a new one," Ivan looked outside the window, it was snowing, and it reminded Ivan of Christmas. "Natalya seems fitting," He said
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