Armand Isard Character in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Armand Isard

Director of COMPNOR Armand Isard

Armand Isard is a human male who served in the Galactic Republic prior and during the Clone Wars, eventually serving as the Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence. When the Republic transformed into the Galactic Empire, Isard became part of Emperor Sheev Palpatine's inner circle. He was generally considered the obvious choice to lead the new Imperial Intelligence Service, given his former position, but he was left as a subordinate. The reason for this finally became apparent this year when the Emperor promoted him to become the Director of the expanded and empowered Commission for the Preservation of the New Order. It's believed that many members of Imperial Intelligence still see Isard as their true leader, even as their rival organization, the ISB reports to him.
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