Drall Species in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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The Drall are a small, furry, and highly intelligent species found on Drall in the Corellian System. They are descended from burrowing mammals and aere extremely diligent record-keepers, and it is said that they had recorded every trivial event since the dawn of intelligence. Libraries are among their greatest forms of entertainment, as are story-telling sessions called Ta'sharr.   The planet from which they originated was unknown; thousands of years before the the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Celestials transported the species to Drall. Drall was usually hot and members of the species are covered with thick fur, so Drall rarely wear any clothes except a belt to carry personal belongings. They are very fond of jewelry composed of ores and gems, which they make into beautiful works of art. Some Drall also believe that they originally hibernated before becoming civilized and build rooms in their houses that remind them of caves. These rooms help the Drall relax and think clearly.


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