Duros Species in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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The Duros are a humanoid species native to Duro, a planet located in the Duro sector of the galaxy's Core Worlds. They have smooth blue-green skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, and long thin noseless faces with green blood. A colonial species, they have migrated and adapted to dominate many worlds. They are related to the similar-looking Neimoidian species, having sufficiently diverged in physically appearance by 15,000 BBY to be distinguished.
  When the Duros experience high amounts of strain, a kind of oil—which has a highly irritating smell and bad taste—gathers in the sacs along their ribs. This is an evolutionary throwback and defense mechanism, remaining from when the Duros were liable to be eaten by a number of entities roaming Duro.
  The Duros were one of the first cultures to develop hyperdrive-equipped ships, and as such, can be found all over the galaxy and were described as adventurous. After the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Duro became one of the first planets in the Core Worlds to be under Imperial control. Many Duros have become fugitives from their homeworld.


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