Rodian Species in Twilight of the Jedi | World Anvil
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Rodians are green-skinned, reptilian humanoids native to the planet Rodia. They possess large pupil-less eyes that can see in infrared spectrum, slender snouts, pointed ears, twin saucer-like antennae that detected vibrations atop their heads, and a ridge of spines cresting their skulls. Green (sometimes yellow or turquoise) scales covers their bodies, and their skin has a rough, pebbly texture, except on the snout and hands. Their blood is of green color. Females are physically distinguished by their mammary glands, and some of themare capable of growing long tresses.] The Rodian hand featurs five long, dexterous fingers with suction cups at the ends. The pads help them cope with the variety of conditions associated with living in a swamp, and can be used to help them climb aquatic vegetation. The shape of the Rodian hand, however, is as such that if an object is designed for their species, it is uncomfortable for a human to use. Their toes are a lot like their fingers: long and tipped by suction cups. Although they are oxygen breathers, Rodians can breathe an air saturated with Clouzon-36 without the assistance of a respirator.


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