Alice Boone

Nature: Artist Demeanor: Jester

Alice Retta Boone

A cartoonist/animator/performer turned superheroic (in her mind) mage of the Twin Cities and beyond, Alice longs to inspire laughter, hope and joy within everyone she meets.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's fit enough, more dexterous than strong, but has a penchant for sugar and so carries a little extra weight around her thighs and stomach

Body Features

  • Scar on the small of her back from a bullet wound, now covered with a tattoo of her cartoon creation, Luna the Looney Bird
  • Scar on her leg, also from a bullet wound.

Facial Features

  • Round, rosy cheeks
  • Wide smile
  • Bright eyes

Apparel & Accessories

Bright colors, commonly rainbow patterns, generally splattered with paint or ink.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Alice Retta Boone to parents Frank and Delores Boone, both Cirque de Solais performers in Orlando, Fl. Frank Boone was one of the lead clown performers and Delores was an aerilist in the show. Alicia Mary Boone, Alice's twin sister was born 4 minutes before her sister. Growing up the sisters were inseperable, if only due to Alice's natural foolhardiness and Alicia's natural protective streak. Alice quickly took to the arts as a means of expression and escape, though their childhood held little challenge early on. Alice delighted in making people smile or laugh, she moved on to performance, practicing for hours on end doing voices and slapstick while Alicia watched and gave her advice. When the girls were thirteen the Dark swept across the world and Alice fought to keep color and smiles around her family and herself. Around the same time Alicia was diagnosed with cancer. The weakened world found it hard to respond to the sheer amount of tragedy befalling it, Alice did her best to keep her family's spirits high but the overtaxed medical system couldn't keep up.   Alicia passed away and Alice refused that reality, all at once her favorite creation, Luna the Looney Bird jumped from her pages and began convincing Alice that things could be different, could be better, if she only flew. Standing on the roof of the hospital she believed for only a moment that Luna was right, until Alicia stepped in and stopped her.   Her sister was back, her creation was real and life was as it should be, better even than it was before. She never questioned why no one else questioned it, it was right, it was how the world should have been and how it would be.   Twin avatars, nearly unheard of, were born to Alice that day, but it took decades for her to realize the truth. That day Alice became a Marauder and things got easier, and she was looney enough to not wonder why.   Not long after she was taken under the wing of Walt Disney himself as an animator, her family provided for, a place to create, overseen by the Walt Disney, her sister by her side, she lived for a long time in a utopia of her own making. Only after she helped a group of Changelings and started to step out of Disney property did the truth eventually come crashing down around her. In the process she met her first Technocracy agents, Max and Sam, was shot for the first time, met a medic name Jaden whom she would eventually date, met Grace her self-declared Mage-sister, met Thomas Crowe her declared brother after a lot of insistance on her part and made more friends than she ever had growing up.   She was volunteered by Ravnos himself along with Thomas for a mission of utmost importance, attempting to bring down the Nephandi that caused the Dark.   In a moment of desperation and mental torture from the Nephandi, Alice found that Alicia wasn't her sister, it was her making something she didn't fully understand take the form of her sister. She had manipulated her friends, her family, herself into thinking a perfect world could exist in the Dark. Her Avatars had simply taken forms that could best help her with their agendas.   A brief mental episode landed Alice in a fragile state, unable to stand her own reflection and without her powers, she collapsed into herself, nothing of the happy woman that had been.   It took many pushes from her friends and her Avatars to break through it and reclaim the parts of her world that could still hold joy. Alice still has a tendency to relapse in times of high stress, but she's never alone for long.   Now, Alice works for the Union as a Mage and desperately seeks out any opportunity to bring hope and light to people. Newly partnered with Preston 'Presto' Masters and the Technocracy she seeks to find her place in a world turned upsidedown and insideout. Still mourning her sister she lost and never truly grieved she works herself into exhaustion in her name, hoping it's enough.

Gender Identity

Female, cisgender




Self taught artist/performer, refined and trained by Walt Disney


  • Animator/Performer for the Walt Disney Company
  • Mage of the Union
  • Partner of Media Relations of The Union

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Worked directly with Walt Disney for many years as an animator and perfomer in the Magic Kingdom

Mental Trauma

Still suffers from PTSD regarding her sister's death and her years as a Marauder, can be hyper paranoid about accidentally manipulating people into things.

Intellectual Characteristics

Comes across as an airhead and is a lot of the time, but when certain topics come up she can be surprisingly insightful.

Morality & Philosophy

It's a great, big, beautiful tomorrow.


Mind control

Personality Characteristics


Art, hope, joy, and laughter

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Wits (Specilization: Funny)
  • Art (Specialization: Animation/2D)
  • Athletics (Specialization: Tumbling)
  • Empathy (Specialization: Find the smile)
  • Expression (Specialization: classic humor/jokes)
  • Crafts (Specialization: Drawing/painting)
  • Fighting
  • Subtlety
  • Academic knowledge
  • Manners

Likes & Dislikes

  • Cartoons
  • Bright colors
  • Art
  • Van Gough
  • Serious talk
  • Seing people upset/sad
  • Sitting still

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Endlessly postive
  • Always willing to help
  • Generous

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Sugar
  • Caffiene
  • Toxic positivity
  • Denial
  • Butts into other people's affairs
  • Inappropriate humor when faced with difficult situations/people


Can sometimes forget to take care of herself in the throes of creativity, luckily her loved ones are good at reminding her. Always faintly smells of cotton candy.


Contacts & Relations

Significant other: Jaden

Family Ties

Sister: Alicia Boone Adopted brother: Thomas Crowe

Social Aptitude

Extroverted and in-your-face, always trying to make friends, hyper and talkative.

Hobbies & Pets

Buster, cattle dog/pitbull mutt with a wheelchair.
Physical Focuses
  • Messenger Bag
  • Art supplies
  • Pins
  • Correspondence ••
  • Entropy ••
  • Forces •
  • Life ••
  • Matter •••
  • Mind •••
  • Prime •
  • Spirit
  • Time
    Arete ••••   Backgrounds
  • (Manifested) Avatar ••••
  Other Traits  
  • Blatancy ••
  • Curiosity 2
  • Airhead 1
Chaotic happy
Current Location
Date of Birth
May 30
Orlando, Fl
Current Residence
New Carthage
Naturally blue but changes on her whim
Long, blonde with pink highlights, but changes with her mood
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, rosy cheeks, easily flushed when excited