David Flintlock

David Flintlock's journey hadn't been mundane prior to his return from the Hedge. A sheriff of a Right-Wing, hyper-Evangelical, post-Dark town of Freedom, his tenacity for justice and defense if the innocent had been augmented into the path of a Hunter, as the magic of the Old World and the beasts of the night roamed the wilds. His first encounter with Changelings began after helping to aid the escape of the Salubri Kindred Jezeal, as well as a handful of other Twin City Changelings aiding in her return from the Faerie. Along with a latent child Mage, David's adoptive daughter Constance, and her resourceful and savvy fellow guardian Nellie, the party escapes the brimstone rule of the township and eventually cross the country to find solace in New Carthage. As the Messengers slowly abandoned the Hunters of their powers (for the Angels sought to punish them for living in harmony with the myriad balance of night folk the Twin Cities were full of), David's journeys eventually had him facing the Fair Lands as the hunted, instead of the Hunter. Returned to the mortal realms by the Queen of Dreams, David's flesh had transformed into the clockwork of trigger springs, barrel sights and gun oil; a Clockwork King and the consort to the Spring Court's Queen.