Mattie Reaux

Nature: Capitalist Demeanor: Director

The Queen of New Orleans

An opportunistic businesswoman with a bleeding heart that she'd rather be without most nights, she longs for her family, power and peace only brought about through financial security and authority of her beloved hometown of New Orleans.   Matilda "Mattie" Jean Reaux

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and voluptous, classic beauty with an hourglass shape, stands straight, head high and shoulders squared. Quite graceful in her movement, no matter how ridiculous her shoes may be.

Facial Features

Heart-shaped face, full lips and large eyes, never without makeup.

Special abilities

  • Fortitude ••••
  • Presence •••••••••
  • Dominate ••••
  • Auspex ••••
  • Celerity

Apparel & Accessories

50s vintage, pinup style

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, cisgender



Mental Trauma

  • Has been subject to Asher's mind bending abilities more than once, likely causing undefinable trauma in her mind.
  • Has also served as a mental home to Asher's conciousness, now permanantly carrying at least a small part of it with her at all times.
  • Diablerized Tremere, leaving a stain on her soul and mind, causing a permanent derangement of Megalomania and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, unable to stand chaotic surroundings.
  • Has pushed her understanding of the Presence discipline so far that she has difficulty turning it off.
  • Blood bond with Asher broken, causing as yet undefined trauma aside from the desperate need to get him back.

Morality & Philosophy

Path of the Merchant •••••   The followers of Via Mercator firmly believe that money is power, and so use the accumulation of wealth to gain influence and therefore sate their Beast. Merchants also work in more indirect manners than the other followers of Via Regalis, preferring behind-the-scenes manipulation using their earnings rather than outright confrontations of power. Reputations are extremely important to the travelers of the Path of the Merchant, as they view broken oaths and deals as a sure way to fall off of the Path and encourage their Beast.   The ultimate goals of the Merchants vary greatly; most are content with earning enough to gain a title and holdings, while others seek to control everything they can through money and manipulation, from the mortals in their domain to their fellow Cainites. Even the occasional Prince in need has been known to turn to a Merchant for financial assistance; of course, the Merchant will expect to be repaid, perhaps in the form of some valuable favors.   Rating Moral Guideline 10 Neglecting your work.   9 Treating a customer with disrespect.   8 Treating an inferior as an equal.   7 Breaking your word to a customer.   6 Behaving shamefully before your peers.  5 Showing weakness in front of inferiors.   4 Failing to answer a challenge to your good name.   3 Treating a superior with disrespect.   2 Breaking your word to your superiors or clients.   1 Breaking a sworn oath of deal.

Personality Characteristics


Family, power and money.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Charisma (Specialization: Persuasive)
  • Appearance: (Specialization: Confidence)
  • Empathy (Specialization: Vices)
  • Leadership (Specilization: Oratory)
  • Performance (Specialization: Acting)
  • Finance (Specilization: Accounting/bookkeeping)
  • Business
  • Technology passed the 1950s

Likes & Dislikes

  • Her hometown of New Orleans
  • Fine wine
  • Socializing
  • Vintage clothing
  • Music, particularly partial to the violin
  • Dancing
  • Not being listened to
  • Insubordination
  • Threats to herself, her family or her livelyhood
  • Being outshined, especially when business dealings are on the line

Virtues & Personality perks

  • True love
  • Common sense
  • Underworld Ties
  • Eidetic Memory
  • Eat food
  • Inoffensive to animals

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Anachronism
  • Megalomania
  • Order from chaos

Personality Quirks

  • Tends to talk to 'herself'


Extremely well put together when she's in her element, her self care is the first thing to suffer when she falls into depression or suffers from her many mental traumas.


Family Ties

Social Aptitude

Quite charismatic and confident, suffers from a large ego though she's rarely rude so long as she is respected.


  • Calls everyone 'Honey'


Deep, southern belle accent

Wealth & Financial state

Most of her wealth, liquid and otherwise, is tied up in the city of New Orleans. She has little to her name at the current moment.
Current Status
Searching for a way to free her family
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Queen of New Orleans
Actual Age: 97 Apparent Age: 30
Date of Birth
April 22
1927 1957
Circumstances of Birth
Born during The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, always thought of herself a child of The River as much as her parents.
Circumstances of Death
Chosen by Mr. Smith as a ghoul assistant, then embraced not long after.
New Orleans
Place of Death
New Orleans
Dark brown, almost black
Long, wavy, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, porcelain
A lady never talks about her weight
Known Languages
  • English
  • Creole French
  • French