Shelly Haden

Nature: Rebel Demeanor: Punk

A headstrong and quick tempered Nosferatu, Shelly lives for her city and the people within. Serving the music community and those inspired by it from The Belfry, the highest tower in downtown New Carthage that houses her radio station. She gives and takes opportunity from those that come into her attention and cuts down anyone that would threaten her city, with bare hands if possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

  • Her body looks thin, almost starved and malnourished, but she has a strength beyond what she should be able to take.

Body Features

  • Multiple piercings
  • Long, thin fingers with long, sharp fingernails

Facial Features

  • Needle-like, crooked teeth
  • Large, batlike ears
  • Piercings that change night to night.

Identifying Characteristics

  • She's hard to miss

Special abilities

  • Animalism ••
  • Obfuscate •••••
  • Potence •••••
  • Celerity ••

Apparel & Accessories

  • Punk style, torn clothes, lots of black and red

Specialized Equipment

  • Rapier (Magical, fighting for a worthy cause -2 diff)
  • Bone guitar (magical, Cha + Performance, aggravated damage)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born Michelle January Haden to parents she'd rather forget, Shelly grew up with a bit of a silver spoon in her mouth. After years of prep schools and socialite plans for her rise to the top, according to her parents, the need to rebel became too strong. It started with music, then clothing, then fighting, then vandalism, then light arson. Finally, she was kicked out of school. Public school served her well enough and her parents largely ceased trying at all. She formed a band with friends her senior year, Full Frontal Murder took the underground music scene of Tampa by storm. She was riding high on just enough fame to get word out but not too much that you become a shill when she met a 'reporter' from a local music scene.   Ray, Shelly's sire chose her for her tenacity and attitude, putting more thought into the shovelhead choice than most sires.   Shelly got along well enough with her little family, but it fell apart fast, too fast for her liking. The only member left is her friend and shovelhead sister, Rachel. Both strongly stubborn and independant, but close enough being the last two left.   Shelly was lucky enough to meet Fancesca ‘Frankie’ Theroine, who agreed to teach her punk rock magic. In doing so the two hit it off, eventually dating and now are married.

Gender Identity

Female, cisgender




High school drop out, everything she knows she learned from music.


Mental Trauma

Suffers from a guilty conscious, never feels like she can do enough for her community or for the people she loves.

Intellectual Characteristics

Considers herself relatively insightful and tries to help others look at themselves but comes across as abraisive in doing so.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes in humanity over all else, thinks the human race is capable of great things and Kindred are as well but there is something inherently missing in the Undead and so she strives to lift up humanity as much as she is able.

Personality Characteristics


Music, rebellion, humanity

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Brawl (specialty: Streetfighting)
  • Streetwise (Specialty: Homeless network)
  • Larceny (Specialty: B&E)
  • Performance (Specialty: Guitar)
  • Melee (Specialty: Swordsmanship)
  • Stealth (Specialty: Shadowing)
  • Computer (Specialty: Radio tech)
  • Investigation (Specialty: Dirt/blackmail)
  • Patience
  • Obedience
  • Strategy

Likes & Dislikes

  • Music

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Deep sleeper 1
  • Impatient 1
  • Cast no reflection


Tries her best but there's only so much she can do due to her Clan curse, always has a faint, musty smell no matter how hard she scrubs.


Contacts & Relations

Employees/partners: Gavin, Katarina, Valerie

Family Ties

Wife: Fancesca ‘Frankie’ Theroine  Sire: Raymond 'Ray' Devore  Grandsire: 'Gorgeous' Gary Golden  Sister: Rachel Brother: Mark (deceased)

Religious Views

  • Catholic in practice/ritual, agnostic in belief

Hobbies & Pets

  • Orlok: her beloved, ghouled rat that she spoils.
  • Animalism ••
  • Obfuscate •••••
  • Potence •••••
  • Celerity ••
  • Generation (10th) •••
Humanity •••••   Merits & Flaws
  • Deep Sleeper 1
  • Impatient 1
  • Eerie Presence 2
  • Cast no reflection 1
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Apparent Age: Undiscernable Actual age: 44
Date of Birth
May 10
1989 2014
Tampa, Fl
Place of Death
Tampa, Fl
Current Residence
The Belfry (Radio tower, downtown New Carthage)
Female mostly
Gray, slit pupils
Mohawk, color changes nightly.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mottled gray
Known Languages
  • English
  • French