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Distilled Mana

When magic is left to fester for centuries, it eventually takes on a more physical form, drawn from the manaspace and into the dual worlds.  

Appearance and Properties

Distilled mana comes in many forms depending on the type of mana. Most appear to be colored liquids that glow very faintly, but there are two exceptions.
Chaos magic, one of the more volatile types of magic, has an appearance and consistency similar to glitter. On the other side of the spectrum, Shifting magic, one of the most stable types, becomes a pale smoke when distilled.   As well as physical appearance, some types have other traits which can help with identification, but these types may seem contradictory. (Example: Distilled fire magic is cold to the touch)  


Distilled mana was originally discovered in the wilderness, where chaos magic from the rings gathered inside of ancient wells and eventually clumped together into some kind of highly dangerous glitter.
Later on, some scientists discovered how to replicate the process and distill other types of magic.  


Most of the time this substance is used purely for carefully moderated uses (such as generators, vehicle propulsion, and mass protection spells) but some people who probably don't value their lives as much as they should have used them for more targeted things, such as rituals or highly dangerous spells.
Certain types also have a strange ability to fuse items together, as long as you can 'program' it to do it properly.   It's most common use is as a raw power source. Usually it is stored in a crystal, then hooked up to whatever needs power. Sometimes it is merely for small things, such as turning on the lights in a house, but there are entire cities on both continents that are all powered simultaneously by this substance.  


Distilled mana is very dangerous to handle. Any physical contact can and will result in severe magical burns, and in the case of Chaos Magic it can cause loss of mana and even genetic mutations. These mutations are permanent, and loss of mana has a very high chance of either staying low or deteriorating over time. Due to this, mana is always kept in crystalline containers which can somewhat absorb their massive magical signature as well as keeping the mana contained.
Common State
Danger Level:
All art in this article was made by me

Cover image: by Autumn


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Jul 31, 2023 21:28 by Melissa

I love that you put Do Not Touch in the art. It makes me want to drink it to see what happens. Are there any villains that have intentionally drunk this stuff and become a monster?

Jul 31, 2023 23:17 by Autumn Riverwood

I haven't quite looked into that yet, but I definitely will! It seems like it would be a neat origin story so when I get the time I will try to flesh out that idea :D

Aug 1, 2023 01:15 by Melissa

Muahahahahahahaha! *cough* I mean, cool!

Aug 8, 2023 00:19 by Gabrielle Decker

I love this article! It's so creative and I love the idea.   Just wanted to let you know I featured it in my Summer Camp 2023 Reading Challenge!