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Ring Flares

A Dangerous Cycle

Sometimes, the gates of the world start to wear down. They grow dull, as if the magic within is wearing out, needing to be replenished. When this happens, they flare, replenishing themselves and rising anew.
With how the cycle works, it’s almost as if the rings are breathing like some huge, living creature. Some theorise that it is- maybe the rings themselves are some sort of god. We don’t have any proof, but it’s a popular theory nonetheless.


During these “flares”, the rings double in height, nearly filling the sky as they absorb magic from the whole planet. Whenever this happens, whole continents can become devoid of ambient magic. This isn’t a large threat on it’s own, but does mean any magical creatures (such as fae) will be severely weakened.   Eventually, the rings reach their apex. At this point, they let off so much light that the night almost seems like day. This can be incredibly disorienting for some- though, luckily, this phase only lasts a few hours.   As the flare ends and the rings start to return to normal, they forcibly release all of the old magic and restart the cycle. This sudden burst of pure, volatile mana can create incredibly dangerous manastorms, which in turn can cause wildfires, tsunamis, tornadoes… It’s like a huge line of dominoes that trigger worse and worse things as they fall. Areas by or on coastline are usually affected by these disasters the most.
There isn’t an easy way to prevent these, either- the best you can do is predict when the rings will flare and prepare for the worst.


Recently, most Valyrian flares have fallen under the “dangerous, but not city destroying” catagory with the large exception of one in particular- happening only a few short weeks before present day.   This flare hit the Skycharged Archipelago particularly hard, causing a magically-charged wildfire that inflicted an ancient illness called “Metamorphosis” on anyone it touched. To add to that, the city of Starwatch was almost completely destroyed by the firestorm.
Elsewhere, huge waves battered the coasts, storms raced across the land, and settlements struggled to survive the onslaught. It took days for the flare to finally end, leaving civilizations scared and confused in the aftermath.   As for why that flare was so strong compared to others… something on the other side of the rings must have charged them. Somehow. We don’t know what did it, we don’t know how such a feat would be possible, but that seems to be the only logical answer. We just have to hope it doesn’t happen again.


Event Type:
  Threat Level:
3-7 out of 10
  Affected Location(s):
Kathrir, Valyria


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