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The Deep Forest

This place resembles a large plateau full of vegetation at first glance, but that is only what it appears to be. What truly lies here is almost akin to another world.


The flat plain it looks like is really only a mere ceiling. If you were to take a peek under the dense, leafy blanket, you would probably first notice the trees.
Their trunks are massive, about 5 meters in diameter at their thinnest. Their branches are long and slim, but still big enough for your average sophont to lay down on. These trees are mostly covered in thick, spiny moss, usually only growing in the shade.   If you look down, you can see why this place has it's name. From the uppermost layer (The one with all the branches) to the bottom (The valley floor), it is about a 200meter drop. This drop is half the reason why this place doesn't have much information on it. The other half is that the airspace is too cluttered for any flying sophont to get down without getting severely injured.

Interesting/Unknown Things

There appear to be cave entrances speckled throughout the valley, with one very large entrance at the deepest point. This big entrance seems to have some very worn-down columns, as well as a gate made with some kind of rich red metal.   There is also a huge magical signature for nature magic, which is rare even for this much greenery. The intensity only seems to get worse the farther down you go, and some people theorize that whatever is causing this is behind the red gates.  

The Place Itself


Beneath the leafy curtain is a very humid and warm environment, with the thick layer of leaves keeping the water and heat within the valley. With that, it almost is some kind of rainforest. Whenever it rains, it drips down through the leaves into the valley. This dripping can take hours or even days, so the inside of the deep forest is almost always raining.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the flora and fauna of the valley hasn't been discovered and identified, mostly due to the sheer difficulty of getting down to the bottom. However, some of the upper layers have been searched. This led to the discovery of the Greater Spider Plant, Spiculo Moss, and the Seraphim Fish.
Alternative Name(s)
The False Plateau
Inhabiting Species


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Aug 6, 2023 15:24 by Reanna R

Ooh, I love the mystery of the red gates! And the whole concept of the forest is really neat too, especially its deceptive plateau-ness and the near constant rain. Very nice article!

May your worldbuilding hammer always fall true! Also, check out the world of the Skydwellers for lots of aerial adventures.
Aug 13, 2023 19:51 by Autumn Riverwood

I'm glad you like it! This idea has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and is a very plot-relevant place in one of my stories. I'm pretty proud of how the article turned out, and after the awards ceremony I'll probably draw up some art for it :D

Aug 9, 2023 14:42 by Olarae & Astaroth Arcaine

I do quite fancy a jaunt to this False Plateau to delve deep into the mysteries! It certainly sounds like there's plenty of adventure to be had here!   The imaginative descriptions you've used succeeds in delivering a wonderful sense of awe and curiosity, making the whole region feel like a living entity!   Here's hoping that we see more from this curious place! I know I would love to follow along with a band of mystery-hunters hoping to explore beyond the gates!   -Olarae

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Aug 13, 2023 21:55 by Autumn Riverwood

I'm so glad you enjoyed the article! When I saw the prompt I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and this was such a fun article to write. The descriptions were a little tricky, but once I got going they got easier and easier. As for the mystery behind it, this place is central to many other important goings-on in one of my work-in-progress novels so more will definitely be revealed in time :D