Ankheg Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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An ankheg is an enormous insectoid creature, resembling nothing so much as a gigantic, 10-long ant. It uses both compound eyes and long antennae to sense movement of prey. Its legs end in sharp hooks adapted for burrowing and grasping its prey, and its powerful mandibles can snap a small tree in half.  
Lurkers in the Earth. The ankheg uses its powerful mandibles to dig winding tunnels deep beneath the ground. When it hunts, an ankheg burrows upward, waiting below the surface until its antennae detect movement from above. Then it bursts from the earth and seizes prey in its mandibles, crushing and grinding while it secretes acidic digestive enzymes. These enzymes help dissolve a victim for easy swallowing, but the ankheg can also squirt acid to take down foes. -- Monster Manual

Basic Information


Ankhegs have large, sharp mandibles capable of grasping and cutting prey. They have 6 walking legs on their thorax, as most insects, and a segmented body including a large head, a thorax, and an abdomen.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ankhegs can see using their massive compound eyes, although their visual acuity is not strong. Like their smaller insect brethren, they are excellent at perceiving movement, but not good at detecting details. Their antennae enable them to smell prey. Their walking legs contain sensory hairs that enable them to detect vibrations in the earth around them.
Average Height
5-7' hight
Average Length
9-11' carapace length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brownish to black

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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