Githyanki Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Appearing as tall, slender, yellow-skinned reptilian humanoids with deep black eyes, Githyanki are a violent and deadly race of pirates who sail the Astral Sea, raiding and plundering all in their path. Their Astral vessels are capable of moving in three dimensions, and often appear to be "flying" to those who are unused to the subjective reality of the Astral Plane. Their warriors are fierce and well-trained, as well as highly disciplined, and the sight of their bizarre vessels with sails on both the top and bottom of the hull is enough to strike fear in the heart of even the other pirates and raiders that dwell in the Astral Sea.  The Githyanki, also called simply "Gith" for short, are known to be ruthless, neither giving nor asking quarter in a fight. Few are the foes who have survived an encounter with the Gith.   Gith commanders and higher-ranking members of their society often wield special Astral Greatswords that appear silver to mortal eyes. These swords are considered to be a part of the Gith culture and race, and it is sacrilege for any non-Gith to possess one. Gith have been known to hunt down those who have taken a Silver Sword in the farthest reaches of the omniverse... even fleeing to another plane is not enough to protect one from their wrath, if one steals one of these swords. Even other pirates will generally cast the swords into the Astral Sea rather than take possession of one.

Basic Information


Gith are bipedal humanoids. They are slender and long-limbed, and have yellow, scaled reptilian skin and deep black eyes. Their hair comes in various colors, and they usually grow it long and then tie it up in a top-knot.

Ecology and Habitats

Gith are most commonly found in the Astral Sea.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

High - on par with Elves or Gnomes

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Average Height
Average Weight
150 lbs
Average Physique
Slender but athletic

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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