Mimic Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Mimics are shapeshifting predators who can assume the shape of inanimate objects. These cunning creatures often take the form of objects that a humanoid would approach or touch, such as treasure chests or crypt doors. They know that such forms attract a steady stream of prey.   Mimics can change their surface features to appear identical to wood, stone, and other basic materials. Additionally, they can remain stationary for long periods, so that movement, breathing, and the like would be impossible to detect. As a result, a mimic in shifted shape is indistinguishable from the object it resembles until a creature comes within reach, whereupon the mimic will attack with sharp teeth and a tongue-like appendage.   In combat mimics secrete an adhesive acid that helps it capture creatures and objects. This ability to generate its own acid also makes the mimic immune to acid-based attacks.   Mimics are relatively simple ambush predators, and their intelligence is not appreciably greater than that of a large mammalian predator.

Basic Information


Few humanoids have ever seen what the body of a mimic actually looks like. Upon death they revert to an amorphous creature, naturally gray in hue, with a smooth, very hard outer skin that gives it the stone-like appearance. A brownish liquid, acidic and adhesive in nature, is held within the body in large, muscular organs that serve as both bags and pumps.

Genetics and Reproduction

No one knows how Mimics reproduce. Some scholars who study such creatures believe that if a mimic consumes enough prey, it will grow large enough to split by binary fission into two smaller mimics.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Low -- approximately equivalent to a large mammalian predator.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is unknown if Mimics can see in the dark. The only ones the party encountered had the benefit of Kleeck's light spell to see.
Average Height
3-4', depending on the object mimicked.
Average Weight
100 lbs

First encountered

Westwood Necropolis

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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