Necromancer's Note Document in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Necromancer's Note

This is a letter on parchment paper which was found in the possession of a reptilian humanoid necromancer in the Satrienus Tomb of Nemasus Cemetery.   The text was written in a language as yet unknown, but rendered in the arcane script. It reads:  
Thurkear,   I lose patience with your indifference. You have sworn an oath to me.   If you will not attack Nemasus directly, then use their own dead against them. But one way or another, you will bring me the temple’s secret. I will brook no further delay.   You know your task. Your people have suffered enough at the hands of the warm-bloods. Do not make me harm them further.   In the names of the Reptile-Gods,
Text, Letter

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