Ochre Jelly Species in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Ochre Jelly

An ochre jelly is a yellowish ooze that can slide under doors and through narrow cracks in pursuit of creatures to devour. -- Monster Manual
    The ochre jelly is a blob of yellowish-brown, soft rubbery material. Although it appears to be an immobile mass, the ochre jelly is alive, and will seek out prey to devour in the simplest possible mechanisms. Ochre jellies possess enough sticky material on their surfaces to enable them to cling to vertical surfaces and even to ceilings, from which they will often drop onto unsuspecting prey. They will also split in half when subjected to certain forms of damage, becoming two smaller jellies, both of which will attempt to devour their targets.

Basic Information


Ochre Jellies do not have what one could describe as anatomy. They have an amorphous shape with no discernable organs or differentiated tissues.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ochre jellies reproduce by binary fission - under some circumstances they can divide in two and become two individuals.

Ecology and Habitats

Ochre jellies inhabit dark places where they can lurk and strike at unsuspecting targets.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Low - like very simple animals

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lacking tissues and organs, ochre jellies do not possess a traditional nervous system. Yet they seem capable of sensing potential prey, as well as possessing sufficient awareness to ambush and pursue targets. There is much speculation about how these amorphous oozes could possibly act as though they have a nervous system without one, but no one really knows the answer to this. Possibly they are animated by magical powers, much as undead are.
Average Height
Average Weight
100-200 lbs
Average Length
10' diameter

First encountered

Sewers under Lugdunum

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Cover image: by DM-Steven


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