Potions and Elixirs in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Potions and Elixirs

Below is a list of potions and other alchemicals that have been found in the world, along with their known effects (if they have been identified). In our world, all potions of a given type look exactly the same and are unique. For example, Healing Salve is a spring green ointment. All Healing Salves are spring green, and all spring green ointments are Healing Salves.
Appearance Potion Name Effect
Spring green ointment Healing Salve Heals 1d4+1 h.p.
Rusty orange liquid Climbing Climb at walking speed; advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to climb for 1 hour
Spring Green Liquid Healing Heals 2d4+2 h.p.
Bubbling crimson liquid Resistance: Fire Resistance to Fire damage type for 1 hour
"Chocolate milk" liquid Animal Friendship Charms a beast for 24 h
Clear mustard yellow liquid Growth Effects of the Enlarge spell for 1d4 hours
Silvery liquid Potion of Fire Giant Strength Increases strength to 25 for 1 h
Sky blue, silver swirls Potion of Diminution Effects of Reduce spell for 1d4 Hours

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