Session 3 - Scales and Rattles Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 3 - Scales and Rattles

General Summary

From the Journal of Hassan:
A previous entry:
"Where is my mother?"
That's what I asked her, the surprisingly striking centaur woman named Ianthe. Ianthe Kentavros, I'll have to remember her name, like some of the others, in case I need to speak with her again, maybe nudge her in my favor. She's some sort of soothsayer, dealing answers to one's fortune with her cards, or at least so she says. I got a sense of her as soon as I walked in, checked her out, watched how she stood, the bit of mystery in her eyes. So, I decided to play along a bit, see what she could offer...And then I felt it again, but just slightly this time, far in the back of my head. It wasn't like the square where the jumbling and rattling was loud. No, this was very subtle, and felt differently. There wasn't any danger, but a slight sense of portent...of potential. I felt the dice tumble once, twice. So I stared her in the eye, and asked "Where is my mother?"   As I watched her, Ianthe calmly drew one of her cards, but just before she placed it down, I thought I saw a hesitation, and a quick tightening of her eyes. She laid down the card she called the Trireme, and told me that I had a far journey ahead of me. Another tumble, then stillness. I wasn't calm, but that's all I was getting out of her for the time being. A long journey to someplace far from Nemasus and Port Voltur. Fine, that's why I'm here, to find any leads to the person I never met, but increasingly means more to me than, almost anyone...   Latest entry:
Kleeck, Laura, Bandua and I traveled west to the cemetery a few hours away from Nemasus. I got to know them just a bit better. Kleeck's this overeager priest in training to Apollo who looks to the sky for meaning. He seems to find some solace and direction in it. I guess I can relate a bit, considering these damn dice, but I always rely on myself -- a lesson she taught me over and over again. Laura talks to squirrels. I'm not even going to pretend to understand that one. She's cute but...squirrels? At least she stopped me from eating those poisonous berries, and whipped up some weird paste that surprisingly made my sore feet feel better. Bandua is this grizzled, old dwarf who used to be a soldier. He doesn't talk about it much, but I guess he's seen a lot of things during that time to make him so ornery. I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, as I've seen his type back in Port Voltur fairly often. At least he hasn't judged me for being what I am, though saving his life might have something to do with it.   We came to the cemetery to find out who's been raising the dead, and to stop them from raising any more. I don't like when people feel helpless, and those in Nemasus certainly do. There were more walking skeletons, and also these small lizard-like creatures I've never heard of before. Sailors came to the Seastorm Tavern often with tales of strange people, beasts and even monsters, but never walking lizards. We found a larger one in one of the tombs. It was dressed in robes, chanting, and with my own eyes, I saw it raise more of the dead from a pile of bones. The tumbling in my head felt drastic, and it was all I could do not to burn everything around me down to ash. She would've kicked me, and told me to keep my head in the game, all the while laughing at the chaos. Everything was a game to her... Anyway, at least we put an end to this necromancer, but we're headed back to town with more questions:   Who are these lizard creatures, and why were they desecrating the tombs, and attacking Nemasus? I don't feel the rattling just yet, but I doubt that's going to last....

Rewards Granted

275 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Major Milestone - Figure out where Zombies Came From
  • Major Milestone - Defeat the Necromancer/Stop Undead attacks
  • Major Milestone - Repair one or more desecrated altars
  • Minor Milestone - Defeat the Ghoul in the Vulius Tomb
  • Minor Milestone - Find the Necromancer's letter


The party encountered creatures in three larger tombs. There were 4 small lizard-creatures like the ones on the surface from the previous session, desecrating an altar to Apollo in the town's public tomb (the Columbarium). There was a Ghoul in the tomb of the Vulius family. And there was a large lizard creature, human sized, with necromantic abilities. He raised a skeleton to fight for him, and cast a poison spell at Kleeck, who fell unconscious from it. Laura stabilized his wounds and then the party found some Healing Salve on the dead necromancer to help him. Bandua severed the head of the necromancer to bring it back to town as proof of the kill. The party also found a note on the person of the necromancer which had an arcane script much like a spell scroll would have, but was not a spell. It appeared to be some kind of letter. Hassan used magic to clean up the desecrated altars, although the statues still are in need of physical repair (parts have been broken off).
Report Date
02 May 2020
Primary Location

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