Statues of the Lost Necropolis in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Statues of the Lost Necropolis

While exploring an ancient necropolis of dead humanoid creatures with skulls shaped like the heads of reptiles, the party came across the following statues, all about 6-7' tall, located in various places around the city of the dead. Each statue was made of stonework such as marble or obsidian, of a particular color, and stood on a similarly-colored pedestal. Each pedestal had, carved into its front, a particular symbol. Kleeck copied each statue description and symbol into his journal:
Statue color Statue substance Statue Appearance Pedestal Symbol
White Marble Humanoid crocodile w/ridged tail Circle with line down the middle and lines radiating out of one side**
Black Obsidian/Stone Cobra-headed, snake-tailed woman Cloud w/lightning coming out of it
Light Blue Marble Seated dragon w/sapphires for eyes* Dragon head profile in silver
Dark Red Stone Dragon, wings spread out as if taking flight Flame
Pink Marble Serpent headed, snake-tailed woman Dove
Blue Marble Dragon w/tail whipping out, crown on head Hour glass
Red Marble Snake rearing up ready to strike Harp
Dark Blue Shiny Stone 5-headed dragon with barbed tail 5 dragon heads arrayed in a circle like a compass
*Trying to take the sapphires turned Bandua into a gaseous form for 10 minutes.   **The first image was hard to describe so here is an image of it:

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