Titus Livius Patavinus Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Titus Livius Patavinus

(a.k.a. Livy)

Titus Livius Patavinus, also called Livy, was the greatest historian of Rome. So magnificent were his skills at authentication of facts, chronological organization of history, and Latin prose, that Octavian himself, Imperator Augustus, commissioned Livy to write a full and complete history of the Roman people. Livy's historical accounts of the Republic from the time of its founding until the early reign of Augustus remains the definitive work on the subject and is referenced by other authors.   However, Livy did more than he was asked... He dipped back not only into the founding of Rome itself, by Romulus and Remus, but further still, apparently discovering, by some means no one living can now determine, the deepest and most ancient pre-history. His account encompassed everything he could find -- from before the birth of the famous twins and the founding of Rome, until the formation of the Empire under then-current Emperor Octavian.   Unfortunately for Livy, Caesar Augustus was not favorable to Livy's pre-Republic account, and determined that its contents were treasonous. Livy was tried in a private hearing by Augustus himself, found guilty, and beheaded on the spot. All writings of Livy from before the formation of the Republic were purged from the public record, and any transmission of the information ruled treasonous and punishable by death. Augustus himself then wrote the official account of Rome's history from the raising of Romulus and Remus by wolves, to the formation of the Republic. No other accounts have been permitted in the roughly 1,000 years since.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity


Accomplishments & Achievements

Known as the greatest historian of the Republican and early Imperial period.

Failures & Embarrassments

Condemned to death for treason against the Empire.
996 AUC 1054 AUC 58 years old
Known Languages

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