Minions of Corruption
Basic Information
Minions of Corruption have a relatively humanoid shape to them. However, their skin is a dark indigo. They have large protruding jaws, and they have multiple green eyes on their heads.
Biological Traits
One of the most prominent abilities of the corrupted minions are their at-death explosions. Upon dying, their bodies explode in a burst of disgusting tar-like substances. This tar can restrict movement to those covered by it, allowing for nearby minions to attack them.
Genetics and Reproduction
Minions of Corruption can't reproduce on their own. In fact, they are far from being part of the natural world, as they are a creation of the Holy Grail itself. When a humanoid willingly breaks one of the Rules of the Holy Grail War, they are afflicted with a terrible curse. If the individual is afflicted with a curse that's higher than a first-level curse, their suffering won't end after death. When they die cursed, their bodily essence is absorbed into the Holy Grail, where it is then to remain within it until it is "regurgitated" by the Grail in the form of a Minion of Corruption.
Ecology and Habitats
Minions of Corruption are spontaneously spawned in dark places or during the night. They are usually spawned there in order to carry out a specific task or are there to just wander.
Additional Information
Average Intelligence
Minions are very monstrous in intelligence. They have a sense of self-preservation, but beyond that, they mostly act with great hostility to all other creatures that aren't minions.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
These minions have darkvision that extends to 100ft. This is useful, as they are usually spawned in the night or in dark places.
10 years
Average Height
5ft-6ft tall
Average Weight