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Session 20

General Summary

After their first encounter with the Huntsman's Court, the party take stock of the situation. After seeing the rusted over door to their west, they decide to try to explore the rest of the sewers to find a way around. Wisk volunteers to scout out the east of the sewers and report back. Marti casts darkvision on Wisk so that he won't need a torch whilst scouting. To the west, Wisk climbs a ladder up to a large septic pool where he sees another Faerie Ring with a beautiful orchid sprouting in the centre, with four dead humanoid bodies piled nearby. Wisk headed back to inform the party who prepared to destroy this new Faerie Ring.
What followed was an ambush in which the party destroyed the Faerie Ring, destroyed the Orchid which let out spores causing the nearby pile of bodies to awaken and attack. During the fight, another courtier emerged from the water and charged Lorelei over the edge into the pool, fireballs were thrown, shatters were set off underwater rain down on nearby party members. After a couple of rounds, three short blasts on a hunting horn are heard coming from the western sewer (where the party had just come from) and sends a few of the party scrambling to get away. A good smelly time was had by all. When all was done, Wisk - already covered in muck - decides to take a jump into the septic pool to investigate a bucket floating in the centre, he found nothing in the bucket but did find a beautiful golden ring glinting in amongst the remains of a ruined net.
The party, wanting to find the source of the horn that had sounded during combat headed back west down the mainline sewer then took a left and headed south following a pipe down into a long corridor. At this point, Warden Atercyne expressed concern that they were heading up to the surface instead of down where he could feel the source of the magic calling. The party expressed some skepticism at this and continued down the corridor reaching the southern pumps. A couple of huntsman's hounds could be heard snacking on a vagrant on the level below but upon being alerted to the party, use the nearby Faerie Ring to escape and alert their masters. The party explore the Southern Pumps, finding a hole in the wall on the western side. As soon as Wisk starts heading down the passage, Carter attempts to convince the party that he will guard the end of the corridor to make sure nothing will follow them in, but only succeeds in making the party more suspicious of him. As this is happening, Felix begins to feel lightheaded and has to steady himself against a nearby wall. His vision swims and he receives the following vision.

Felix’s Vision

Following the other Warden's words, you feel light headed for a moment and pause, resting your palm against a nearby wall. You hear the faint, tinkling sound of bells as your vision fades and you see Atercyne's form swimming before you, a knife at his back. You reach out to warn him but too late - the blade sinks into his flesh and his head slumps forward. As his head rolls back upwards, he is wearing a spiked crown of iron and is sporting an inhuman, toothy grin. His flesh melts away to formless soft clay and from what was his face stares two unblinking, predatory yellow eyes. You return to your senses to see your friends watching you.

Carter attempts to bolt and Lorelei casts hold person on him and he freezes.
Wisk finds the dead body of the real Warden Atercyne and runs back to inform the party who quickly turn on 'Carter'. After binding him, they attempt to interrogate him and learn that he was hired to kill Atercyne and take his place by 'people in power' - he tells them that Carter died alone in the dark screaming and that they would meet the same fate. The only further information they get out of them is that 'the cult' wants them dead and what the cult wants, the cult gets. The doppelganger is beheaded by Felix, who strips it of Carter's armour, inspects the silver sword it was holding and finds it to be a fake. Whilst stripping the armour from the doppelganger, he notices a small brand on the creatures left flank, just underneath the armpit. It has had the celestial words "Ligatum ad Nos" - bound to us - seared into its flesh in Common lettering at some point long enough ago that the scar has started to heal. On the body, the party also finds 2x invisibility potions and 1x potion of speed. Felix heads up to the real body of Carter, inspects the body and finds that, whilst it has a number of superficial wounds to the front consistent with the viny grasps of the creatures the party had been fighting so far and a mortal wound in the back of its neck consistent with an unexpected stab wound. Felix covers Carter's body with a cloth and tells him he'll be back for him later. He then hands Wisk his silver sword and picks up Carters.
Marti uses this break to investigate the lower levels of the southern pump and sees the half eaten body of a Vagrant and another Faerie Ring at the bottom that she promptly destroys. The party then move back to the area in the north with the rusted over gate. Between Felix and Wisk, they manage to lift the door off of its rusted hinges and place it on the floor, opening the way into a steep staircase heading down to the tertiary septic chamber, a 40ft deep chamber connected to the northern pumps and secondary septic chamber via a an outflow pipe. The steady flow from the pipe is draining into the chamber and the party descend into it via a ladder on the side. Between Wisk, Marti and Felix, they manage to clear a blockage that was preventing access to an outflow corridor. Wisk scouts ahead again, coming to the end of the outflow, he finds the effluence chamber, which is emptying out into an underground river. To the east is a platform with another Faerie Ring where three quicklings are tormenting a woman in rags, letting her try to run from a nearby assassin vine that is flanked by a couple of huntsman's hounds before tripping her and dragging her just out of reach of them. Wisk reports back and the session ends.

-- End of Session ---

LOOT: Wisk has a golden ring, Felix has picked up Carter's Scale mail armour and his +1 Silver Longsword, Ella has identified the three potions as 2x Potion of Invisibility and 1x Potion of Speed
Report Date
30 Jan 2021

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