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Session 29

General Summary

Started off in Akehill. After some deliberation, decided to forgo investigating in the Ash Keep and headed west following the larger caravan.
Heading west towards Arincross. A day into travel on the road, the party run into another caravan on the road led by a half elven woman who after initially being on edge, tells the party that she had seen a Tachsiul in Arincross, to be careful on the road because an Orcish Warband had recently ambushed and killed most of a party of scouts from the Draketail League. Upon seeing Lorelei clutching her harp, she mentions that "The Weisstein clan of Stillwind have put out a bounty on a bard from a nearby village for composing a dirty limerick about their patriarch. The Dubhhuka – a rival family – have put up an equivalent amount of money publicising the poem and ensuring regular play in taverns all down the east coast." Marty casts augury to ensure they're travelling in the correct direction to find the correct caravan. Signs are good.

The party continues on to Arincross. Once there, they find a general store to ask for both supplies and information regarding the Tachsiul they're pursuing. The party buys travel supplies as well as a tarp to protect the cart in the rain. Lorelei asks Marty to buy apples. BuY aPPlEs. Marty confirms the Tachsiul was in Arincross a day and a half prior, they took the southroad. They were bragging about selling gear off to an Orcish Warband.
Helgret found a fur / leather merchant in the market 'willing' to buy the Owlbear skin. The party heartily encouraged being rid of it.
Party left Arincross on the southroad, after a few hours reached the crossroads. Helgret and Wisk discover heavy wagon tracks coming off the main road and heading south and Marty uses Augury to confirm the wagon went south. Signs are good!
Party heads south following the tracks, they make the decision to leave the cart behind, by the end of the day there is only a half day between them and the caravan. They can see their campfires on the nearby hills and beyond, the lights of a town; Tynmor.
During the nights watch, Marty sends her owl familiar, newly christened as Artemis (MARTY AND ARTY - MART N ART) into the sky to survey the area. He initially reports nothing beyond a family of rabbits. Later during first watch, Wisk and Marty spot a crow flying over the camp, circling around and heading back towards the enemy camp, on it's closest approach, Wisk fires off an eldritch blast totally annihilating the crow. The crow dissappates and as flecks of it reach within 30ft, Felix awakes with a start after feeling fiendish energy.
Party debates how best to proceed. They see the enemy campfire wink out. Second watch comes and despite getting the feeling they are being watched, Wisk and Lorelei don't notice anything. On the third and final watch, Wisk and Helgret briefly notice something flying above camp just before sunrise before it disappears from view.

The next day, the party break camp quickly whilst discussing the night's events. Ella deduces that the creature that was following them was likely to be an Imp - a common familiar for Warlocks and Wizards of an evil disposition. They head as fast as they can toward the enemy camp. Before reaching the camp, Ella and Marty, use detect magic and detect thoughts respectively to keep an eye out for the imp. After a couple of near misses where they notice something moving on a perch - Marty spots a small bird and casts a 3rd level Animal Messenger spell to get a message to Nubrix in Mosston saying "Nubrix it's Marty, going to be late to our meeting. We're pursuing a lead on the caravan, will be back as soon as we can." Once the bird takes the message, there is a flurry of wings and Marty & Ella both detect the Imp making a beeline for the bird. They fire off a produce flame and firebolt cantrip respectively but unfortunately Imps are immune to fire damage, it continues at full speed towards the bird but the brief highlighting of the fiend as the flames wreathe it's form allows Wisk to fire off an eldritch bolt and, for the second time in a day, the Imp is blown apart by bolts of force. The little bird gets away leaving a little trail of panic poop behind it.

The party reaches the enemy camp where they find it has been broken hastily but thoroughly - only finding a small pouch of 43 silver pieces which they nervously investigate in case they're cursed but they appear to just be regular coins. The party continue following the tracks on to Tynmor eventually reaching the isolated fishing village. Barricades and a palisade have been constructed recently around the town. As they approach, an arrow is fired from atop the palisade and lands at the feet of the party. Slowly revealing themselves atop the palisade are red robed figures each wearing familiar onyx masks - the cultists who attacked the party in Caer Ciafran and were present in the bandit hideout underneath the Noose & Slipper in Drakestone's Lowtown. As the party ready for a confrontation, Marty, Ella and Felix detect the presence of at least four more fiendish presences sitting in the branches of nearby trees.

  • End of Session ---
  • Rewards Granted

    43 silver coins
    Report Date
    12 Sep 2021
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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