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Session 33

General Summary

Start in Caer Cîafran. Wisk wants to by cosmetics, Felix wants Plate mail refitted for him. Wisk goes to Valen's Concoctions and Felix goes to Jotunforge. Rest of party grabs a drink at The Crimson Pony. By the time tasks are done, it's mid to late afternoon. Party heads out with plans to camp on way to Mosston.

Party encamps on the moors before heading down towards the Scalemarsh. Marty and Helgret find an alcove just off the road and Lorelei & Ella use Tiny Hut and Private Sanctum respectively to protect against physical and magical threats. The next morning, Wisk surprises a deer that was feeding nearby and kills it instantly. He feels a hint of approval from his patron, Enatorivin the Hunter. The party breaks camp after butchering the deer and putting the meat on the cart to cure.

Heading into Mosston at Mid afternoon, the party feel a nervous energy about the place. There are far less guards and soldiers than there has been the last few times they have been through here. It seems that the Draketail League’s mobilisation has finally taken most of the able-bodied recruits out of the city itself now and onto whatever campaigns they find themselves on against Taltaea. The citizens they do see, moving around in the early morning fog seem a little listless and depressed. They stable their horses at the south gate for 5sp per horse per day (3 horses).
They encounter a street preacher shouting in the square about a judgement coming to the Free Cities, a lack of general piety, of an uncaring merchant class eager to profiteer on the war, like stray dogs circling a corpse in the road. The man raves for a while whilst a few townsfolk heckle him. Eventually representatives of the guard come to move him along.
The party hurry along to Nubrix’s Exotic Collections to find out the results of the appraisal from their expedition in Torshin Barrow. When they arrive, Nubrix is pleased to see them but also seems nervous. He walks them through the results of the appraisal.

Notes / Journals of expedition leaders (10gp – interesting notes that provide historical context to the other items, could probably find a buyer amongst the scholars of the House of Enlightenment).
Charcoal Rubbings (100gp – rubbings of ancient elven engravings aren’t rare per se, but they’re also not uncommon. These particular rubbings do have interesting information such as the names of specific elven rulers as well as insights into the society that built the barrow which may make them of interest to scholars of anthropology)
14 emeralds (650gp per emerald. The stones are well cut but are not, in and of themselves, remarkable and several have scratch marks from their extraction from the snake mosaic. Nubrix has many contacts amongst the jewellers of the Draketail League and beyond who would pay a fair price for emeralds with some history behind them, but they could have been worth more with drawings of the mosaic and a fortune if they had managed to bring the whole mosaic undamaged somehow back to Mosston).
11 funerary urns - carnet says should be 12 (200gp per urn, if the party can track down the 12th urn, undamaged and thus completing the set, the value would more than double to around 5000gp for the whole set).
Pouch of blank soul silver coins (These items seemed to cause an alarming amount of interest from the appraiser, when Nubrix had showed them to her, she had demanded to know exactly where Torshin Barrow was located and if there were any additional coins. She caused such a fuss in fact that Nubrix felt uncomfortable enough to ask her to leave and not show her the remaining item, the dwarven silver. Nubrix gave the appraisers name as one Beate Aranore, an Athasian noble from a junior branch of the Imperial royal family – he describes her as ‘some cousin of a cousin of a cousin of the empress’).
Dwarven Silver (separate to the main deal but Nubrix has expressed an interest in them) As an apology for having to withdraw from the appraisal before this could be looked at, Nubrix offers the party 150gp for this. It’s more than he would usually pay as unfortunately the silver has no provenance but feels it is a fair trade.

After Nubrix takes his cut of 5000gp of the goods, he asks if the party would like anything else. Felix mentions the possibility of getting their share in platinum to save weight but Nubrix points out platinum is much harder and more conspicuous to spend. He offers an old bag of holding he owned for 1500gp which the party happily split. Bag is handed to Marty and the party split the gold amongst themselves. They ask Nubrix if he knows anyone by the name of Gaelin Farrow. He does, whilst he hasn't done business with him directly, his reputation is that of a shrewd merchant and ruthless businessman. He owns an import / export business that is based out of Mosston. He is a member of a local "gentleman's club", The Fraternal Order of Silver along with many of the high society of Mosston. Nubrix doesn't have access himself, his clientele is far less well off than that of Farrow's. Wisk inquires as to whether the party could take the soul silver that was left and Nubrix readily agrees, saying "Anything that has sparked that sort of interest from Athasian royalty is more hassle than its worth. I don't need that sort of trouble. No thank you." The party thanks Nubrix and Nubrix mentions that he will keep them in mind for future work.

Ella, Lorelei and Wisk head to the public section of the library of The House of Enlightenment to research Yngvald's ship (they don't have a name for it but know it is a warship and has a dragon head figurehead painted with blue and gold), Oltrikos (whether a name or a title), and the island of Niwlynys. Wisk wishes to do further research on Enatorivin, his patron.
Yngvald's ship - not much can be found at the House of Enlightenment without any name for the vessel. An acolyte recommends talking to the Harbourmaster who might recognise the design of the vessel and be able to provide a name that could be referenced in the library.
Oltrikos - couldn't find anything specific to this exact word, but does appear to be related to Oltriciel, the Prince of Deceit. He is one of the Thirteen Fallen which would track with the Order supposedly worshipping them. Ella and Lorelei propose that perhaps Oltrikos is the title of a head priest devoted to this particular fallen?
Niwlynys - After an extensive search, Ella found an old tome that revealed some details of Niwlynyns. The island was once the domain of an unseelie princess, the Snow Maiden. This Snow Maiden was overthrown by the lich Magiacos. who would later become known as 'The Winter King'. After Magiacos was destroyed along with his golden city of Arkosmyre by the Thirteen, the island was fought over extensively, never staying in the possession of any one group or person for very long. There is a structure on the island that, if possessed, can be used to control the island's comings and goings, allowing near unlimited reach anywhere on Tyr, so long as their is a body of water. This must be why the Order has taken an interest in the island.
Enatorivin - not too much more information gathered by Wisk. He is a fey lord who technically is aligned with Seelie Summer court but in practice acts more in line with what are known as 'Wild Fey' or courtless fey. His domain is the hunt and there are records of many instances of 'Mortal Hunts' throughout history.

By this point, night had fallen and Wisk made his way to the docks to keep watch on comings and goings for the night. The rest of the party headed to The Eagle's Nest for rest. During Wisk's watch, he saw nothing out of the ordinary and he and the party reconvened the next day to make a plan. They sat down and went through what information they had, looking back over the numerous intercepted missives from the Order and deciding that the best course of action would be to investigate the dealings of Gaelin Farrow. From the letters they possess, they believe he is responsible for moving 'Silver' into a safehouse somewhere in the city. They are now preparing to find the silver with 'Locate Objects' spell and try to explore the Guildhall of the Fraternal Order of Silver as well as find any properties he has within the city and what ships are registered to him. The party left off just around the back of the Fraternal Order, outside a bakery called Sixth Scents.
Report Date
16 Oct 2022
Primary Location

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