Language List

There are many different languages spoken throughout Tyrae. Some of them are common, while others are more exotic and rare. Here is a list of all the languages you can learn upon character creation.

Common Languages

Common: It is the most common language spoken throughout the continent. Its pretty much English. Spoken by pretty much everyone that can learn.
Osinarim: It is spoken by the invasion force of orcs that come from the east. Its pretty much Russian. Spoken by denizens of the Osinarim Region of the continent.
Woukou: It is spoken by the Woukou nations. Its pretty much Japanese. Those that travel on the sea should know this language as it is spoken common there.
Sun: It is spoken by the Solakez nations. Its pretty much Spanish. Those that travel on the southern edge of the continent should know this language, extoic elsewhere.
Kyrotec: It is spoken by the races that travel within the Kyrostom Desert. Its pretty much Arabic. Started by the Kyrostoms, it is now the native language of the great desert region.
Elvish: It is spoken by the elvish races. Elvish is fluid, with sublte intonation and intricate grammer. Only really spoken in human and elvish lands.
Dwarvish: It is spoken by the dwarvish races. Dwarvish is full of hard consonants and guttural sounds. Only really spoken in human and dwarvish lands.
Giant: Spoken almost exclusivily by giant races. Its pretty much Irish. Spoken only by the giant race within Osinarim.
Beast-talk: Spoken by almost all the beast races of Tyrae. Its a mix of native american languages, each with their own dialects based on the speakers races. It was the native langauge of Tyrae.

Exotic Languages

Infenral: Spoken by those remnants of the demon calamity years ago. It is only spoken between the corrupted races and doesn't have a native homeland.
Sylvan: Spoken by nature spirits and other element like beings. It is the Fey-like equivilent language when talking with those that are more in-tune with nature.


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