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Session 11: The Final Act of Mines Of Phandelver Report

General Summary

We begin with our heroes arriving to a private room in the Sleeping Dragon, meeting up with Gundren, his son, Sildar, and his bodyguard later revealed as Alfred. The party, at Gundren's request, filled him on everything that happened while he was captured. In exchange, Gundren told the party of their plan: they would be escorted by 10 of Sildar's men, they'd clean up the mine, and then Gundren would set up operations. Everything was set up for success, and the party even took the expedition traveling time to catch up on what they did over the last 2 weeks.   Of course, nothing is that easy for the party as complications arise. During the trip, Reza receives a secret letter offering him a large sum of money for the death of Sildar. Also, when they arrive at Wave Echo Cave, Gundren is shocked to notice that the boulder they placed has been removed. His fears are not unfounded, as when they enter it's not long after they get ambushed by what Gundren later informs them was a Driver. With most of the armed men slaughtered, the party is left to clear the cave alone.   The caves events are as follows:   -After clearing through the mine's west side, the party meet with the Black Spider himself. They are shocked from his willingness to negotiate, and the party agree to help him kill the spectator infesting the mine. Of course, treachery on Nezznar's mind: while the party prevailed Nezznar had drained them of many precious resources.   -The party eventually returns to their expedition and learn that the traitorous soldiers died in the Driver fight after investigating their bags. Sildar survived the assassination attempt, but barely. Gundren also managed to capture a bugbear named Praftai that is seemingly more peaceful than the other bugbears (and seemingly the only female one they've seen as well). They ask Sildar to keep her safe, which he does.   -the party deals with their personal quests, with Reza secretly reviving Mormesk into a recruit for his cult, Erland using the forge of spells to literally forge a devout follower of Goibniu, and Catalina having a small chat with Jergal   -The spectator ultimately gets tricked into what is ultimately the truth of their severed contract with the mine and promptly returns to the astral realm without a fight. Reza also has a change of heart, and rats out Nundro's possible relation to the murder attempt.   -Silentar the flameskull, however, is not impressed with the party's tricks and very well knows the mine is inoperable. It sets off a grand battle of fire and steel, many close calls, and eventually the destruction of the metalhead skull.   After all of that, the party can safely leave the mine knowing that Gundren will take care of things from here (and also task Gundren with keeping Praftai safe). They eventually arrive to Phandalin welcomed with an applauding crowd. Before the party has a chance to contemplate why the town has come out in droves an explosions rips out to the south and scatters them. The party investigates, but the damage has been done: Master Karak is dead, his brain sucked out by what was definitely a mind flayer, Theodore is missing, and the party has identified a new possible enemy: The Church of Bane, God of cruelty and tyranny.
Mines of Phandelver
Reza Altscry
Erland Son of Olaf
Report Date
20 Aug 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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