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Session 18: Upset Stomachs and Socially Awkward Giants Report

General Summary

With shouts and cheers, Erland's speech to the crowd lands well. In fact, there was a strange sight as the crowd dispersed: a lone goliath stood menacing the rioters and assassins being arrested. the party didn't assume much, until he started following them around town of course. Erland decided to be direct and requested the goliath explain themselves...   ...And after a round of beers and an unfortunate scene involving Ser Fluffy collapsing onto the ground and being incapacitated from some disagreeable candy, the goliath, known as Norm Oathbreaker, became the latest member of the menagerie.   after failed attempts to force a gastric reflux in Fluffy, the party decides to investigate possible leads while the wait for the upset stomach to pass and for their infiltration mission on sunday. Catalina in particular pushes the party to investigate the clock tower, the party agrees something must be up for a cirlce of wizards to be actively avoiding the gaze of a city that is permissive with magic already.   Investigation started with Catalina's contact in the shard of night, where they learned there is an elf among the mages that apparently receives special services. Later they went to the local dive bar and mostly failed to blend in with the rougher crowd. Catalina was able to commiserate with one of the, as they say, "speedier" locals that offered to lead the party to a possible entrance to the wizard's tower.   It ended up being an exterior wall of Neverwinter, where the local unfortunately died on the other side, but the party otherwise sneaking in. From there, the party decided through scouting to go through the front entrance. It was a bit obviously trapped with the magic signature pf the room being immense, but the party decided they could take it on.   Of course, who would've expected that the trap was the rug on the floor...
Mines of Phandelver
Reza Altscry
Erland Son of Olaf
Report Date
06 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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