Adventurers of Tyranny of Dragons chronicle

  • 1489 DR

    13 /5

    Arrival in Greenest
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party meet for the first time in Greenest, taking on a job to clear out a nearby den of kobolds causing trouble for passing caravans.

  • 1489 DR

    14 /5

    Greenest in Flames
    Military: Battle

    After clearing out the kobold den, the party returns to Greenest to find it under attack. They fight their way through the streets to the Stronghold in the center of town, facing off against cultists and a massive blue dragon.

  • 1489 DR

    15 /5

    The Defeat of Langdedrosa Cyanwrath
    Military action

    The party accepts Langdedrosa Cyanwrath's challenge, defeating him in combat and freeing his captives, causing his remaining troops to flee.

  • 1489 DR

    16 /5

    The Raiders' Camp

    The party snuck into the Raiders' Camp, gathering intel and escaping with Leosin Erlanthar.

  • 1489 DR

    21 /5

    The Dragon Hatchery
    Life, Identity

    The party returned to the Raiders' Camp, now mostly abandoned, and explored the remaining caverns below, discovering teh Dragon Hatchery. After defeating the kobolds within, the party withdrew, escaping with an unhatched dragon egg.

  • 1489 DR

    31 /5

    Doppleganger City
    Life, Publicity

    The party arrived in Scornubel, investigating a mysterious murder that took place before their arrival. They uncovered that a Doppleganger was behind the crime, and chose to punish them in a more permanent, lethal fashion to ensure such a situation could not occur again.

  • 1489 DR

    4 /6

    Arrival in Elturel
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party arrived in Elturel, meeting with faction leaders to discuss next steps for investigating the Dragon Cult. After participating in the Festival of the Wild Hunt, the party agreed to undertake an important job, traveling down the Chionthar River to Baldur's Gate to infiltrate the caravan the Dragon Cult intends to escape in with their stolen wealth.

  • 1489 DR

    7 /6

    Arrival in Baldur's Gate
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party arrives in Baldur's Gate, befriending a young orphan and entering the major city in disguise. After meeting with their contact, Ackyn Selebon, the party got to work securing jobs on the caravan before it leaves for Waterdeep.

  • 1489 DR

    8 /6

    The Defeat of Rezmir the Black
    Military action

    After tracking Rezmir through Blackgate to the rented out inn she and her cult members were staying in, the party successfully infiltrated the inn and launched a surprise attack on her before she could leave, slaying her and her guards. The party has gained the Black Dragon Mask.

  • 1489 DR

    12 /6

    The Caravan to Waterdeep Begins

    The party begins their journey north to Waterdeep within the caravan potentially hiding Dragon Cult wagons. They met Frauki Tveirhammar, a half-orc adventurer, and McHollow, an herb merchant, who share their camp the first night. They conversed with several other members of the caravan as well, trying to discern friend from foe.