Constantia von Zarovich

Constantia von Zarovich

the adopted duaghter of Straugd. sent the party on a quest to recover her from sizzlefeth form a chasm to the north east. she resides in the Shadowfell and hope to usurp her father. Her main contact is Aiofa. she wears a fine velvet and silk texetos vests, and tailcoats accented in royal blue and silver.
  • "I've heard that 3 prominent priestess' of lolth visited my father lately. The shadow realm is in war... has remained relatively uninterested in the war. He sends the raven queen aid but is not but a feigned front.Seems to me he may be swayed to lend his interest elsewhere.the raven queen may be vague on the details and wording of her deals but she at east upholds them. Lolthe only spins webs and will just as soon promise the world as to you devour later. Plus my father is a brash moron easily ruled by his own desires and whims. Such as why he finds himself in his current predictament. I would like to offer my aid.... mutual benefit. I get lolth of you back and offer you power beyond her control. and you give me ravenloft and the freedom to move as I wish."
  • Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    slim build. if it weren't for the slight hint of a bust one could almost mistake it for a young man's

    Body Features

    talll slender frame with perfect poise and stature. pale skin with slightly wavy platinimnum hair.

    Facial Features

    small nondiscript fangs. perfect skin that simulates the luminecent of the moonlight

    Identifying Characteristics

    long sharp nails esquisidly painted in silver and blue boroque

    Special abilities

    can turninto a whisp of smoke or a swarm of bats. and blink as a free bonus action every turn.

    Apparel & Accessories

    weras finely tailured velvet and silk tuxetos vesta and tailcoats accented in royal blue and embossed in silver. somtimes wears a fine vitorian style race hat or bonnet

    Mental characteristics

    Gender Identity




    Mental Trauma

    raised by count Straud....enough said

    Personality Characteristics


    clean prestine with the faint trace of roses and nightshade


    Hobbies & Pets

    has a few pets around non of which have been discovered by the party


    old victorian style speech.

    adopted daughter of Straud. hopes to usurp him. resides in her own demi plane in the shadowfell. finely dressed in vest and tail coat accented in blue

    Current Location
    The Shadowfell
    View Character Profile
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    5ft 8in
    Known Languages
    Common, Elvish, telepathy, abysall, celstial, depp speech, infernal


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