Firstfall Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ubuild | World Anvil


It is not only said, but proven that those who inhabit the world of UBuild came from another world, even another time. These people appear in mid air above the surface of UBuild, and fall to the ground with nothing from their old lives. No food, clothing, credits, robotic limbs, or anything physical that would connect them to their old life.
The appearance and sudden fall to the ground from these travelers is called the Firstfall. It is a relatively unknown phenomenon that has been going on since the first settlers came to the world. Only a small amount is known about firstfall. First, it can appear anywhere throughout the world, and humanoids are not the only ones subject to firstfall. Many creatures of various types from dragons and unicorns to trolls and goblins all appear from firstfall. However, it does appear that based on your race you are more likely to appear in one location than another. For example, aquatic species are more likely to be found in the water, and dwarves are more likely to be found underground.
The other well known feature of Firstfall is its capacity of settling humanoids near settlements. The first settlements of UBuild always seem to have a draw towards them. Not only that, but people with similar ideals always happen to appear near settlements to enable those ideals to prosper. Both of these qualities regarding Firstfall are well known throughout the world, though their capabilities are poorly understood. It is possible to learn more from them by studying even more about the people that come through them, as it seems that firstfall is a one way trip.


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