Adlerweg Keep Clearing the Top: Game 14

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides cleared the top two floors of the Adlerweg Keep.   The Company spent careful time hammering and locking the doors behind themselves to prevent the gnolls and other evil forces from breaking through from the top of the Keep.  

Floor 4


Room 27: Count Berghof's Room

  This was the Count Berghof's former room that had been packed with gnoll archers and warriors. The Company killed all the gnolls and closed the door to the roof reinforcing it with hammered spikes.  

Room 25: Castellan's Room

  This room was once well furnished, but it has been reduced to a shambles. The furniture, a couple chairs, a desk, a bed and a small empty weapon rack, suggests that it was a bedroom/study. The Company found nothing of value; however, they took some of the papers for later reading and inspection.  

Room 24: Armory

  This was the armory of the Keep. The armory was inhabited by very large humanoids with violet, warty skin and vicious talons: Ogres, with four huge wolf like creatures as their pets. The Company murdered the inhabitants, except some of the wolves which fled. An ogre had a necklace, which was the gem encrusted cover of a magic users spell book hanging on his neck with a leather tong. The party took, but has not looked in his leather belt pouch which feels as if it has coins.   The room is octagonal with a southward extension from the south-east corner. In the center of the area was a weapon rack and lockers of which lie heaps of leather armor and swords. Against the walls of the southern area are more racks, also with lockers beneath them. There are long bows on the racks, with arrows and materials for repair and maintenance of bows and swords. The weapon racks in the soutern portion of the room hold battle axes, spears, dangers, swords and maces. The lockers have not been investigated, although some are open and appear to have garbage and weapons. In the southern part of the room is a bed of straw that was used by the wolves.  

Room 23: Eastern Turret

  The Company has not entered the Eastern Turret, which has arrow slits overlooking the lower, eastern part of the tower roof. Gnoll archers are in the Eastern Turret.  

Floor 3


Room 22: Gatehouse

  The Company has not fully viewed or entered the Gatehouse. This room is a key point in the defense, with arrow slits on all three walls and murder holes in the floor. The room is full of gnolls, which at the end of this session are being held back at the door to Room 21 by Guilhem de QuĂ©ribus. Seeming endless numbers of gnolls are entering this room in an attempt to enter Room 21.  

Room 21: Hall

  The gnolls have made shambles of this room and there some lower ranking gnolls cleaning up prior to the Company arriving. The center of the room has a large wooden table with benches. Scattered around the room are piles of debris, bones, scraps of food, broken vessels and an occasional, gnawed upon horse, dog and human body.   Hanging on the northern wall is a tapestry that has been slashed to ribbons that once depicted the building of the Keep.   Above the fireplace is the large, shield shaped panel that displays the coat of arms of the Berghof family, which has been defaced.   The Company fought a brutal fight to take the Hall, including killing a Demon lord Kostchtchie. The Company also killed a hidden member of the Order of the Necromantia, taking his magic scimitar and ring.  

Room 20: Food Store

  This room is piled high with food stuffs and other stores, and access to a deep alcove in the eastern walls which contains a well. This is a circular hole with a pullet on the ceiling directly above the hole and next to the well is a winch for raising the bucket.  

Room 19:

  This is the fuel store for the Keep. The gnolls have imprisoned five members of the Keep, which are slumped at the end of the small room. They are bound and the Company releases them. The room is a store for torches, firewood and coal. There are also large earthenware jars with low grade oil. During the game, the Company found Ian's barbarian here. However, Ian was unfortunately unable to join the next game, so Ian's barbarian will join the game later.  

Room 18: Kitchen

  Originally this was the Keep's kitchen. At the western end of the room is a fireplace. The room continued to be a kitchen, but was also a room dedicated to the Order's experiments. The Company destroyed the room with magic, killing some members of the Order. These members of the Order used scimitars, however, no magical weapons (if any) survived the destruction. One suit of chain male survived unharmed. The Company discovered a secret door in the northern wall, which has yet to be explored.
Report Date
19 Mar 2022
Necromancer Ring
Necromancer Scimitar