Beldrin Longbeard

Beldrin Longbeard is a prodigy, who mastered the intricacies of dwarven law at a young age.   He enforces the law in Hammerfast upon grieving widows, crippled guard veterans, and prosperous merchants alike. Venue and legal jurisdiction in Hammerfast is complex, but it is clear that Beldrin handles all tax and criminal matters. In this capacity, he has managed to anger nearly every faction in town at one time or another. While a member of the Goldspinner clan on his mother's side, and, while friendly with Marsinda Goldspinner and Norrinir Goldspinner, he does not show favoritism toward the powerful family or the Trade Guild. Like all judges, he is a worshipper of Moradin, and one of the few individuals he is seen socializing with is Alvis the Allwise, the High Priest of Moradin who lives at the The Temple of Moradin: Hammerfast.  
by By Ola Myrin