Bluebell Coaching Inn

The Bluebelle Coaching Inn is a tavern and inn in the Celtic town of Bondar, one of the two cities of Bondar and Buntar.   The Inn in managed by Belle, a short, spry 40s Celtic woman with red hair and elfin eyes. She is loud and boisterous, and her husband, Blue, who is a large, round man with blueish black hair and a great beard. Unlike his wife, he is quiet and reserved. They are devote worshippers of Ohgma. Belle is from the Celtic tribe of the Uolcae while Blue has a diverse ancestry, including people from the Galletica , Henarria, and Bevil. Belle affectionately calls him her "Mutt."   The Inn is popular with Celtic travelers and merchants, with bardic entertainment most evenings.   Others at the Inn include the cook. Nora, and the guards/stablehands Connor, Luke, and Ryan, and three servants Shaunan, Emma and Rachel.

Cover image: by jon pintar