
Cormac envisions himself as a great musician, poet and lover. Time will tell, but he is more likely to be destined to be of the like of Paul Simon rather than Bob Dylan. Good, but not great.   He is has a beautiful and powerful voice that can silence a crowd and make fearsome warriors cry. Cormac is constantly composing love poetry for his true love, which is generally whatever pretty woman happens to be within walking distance. He has recently discovered a new dimension in his sexuality and after an amazing love making experience with a satyr, he now considers himself a pansexual.   He is physically weak, constantly tired and cold. He generally shirks all physical labor, which he says befits his priestly position and his well born status (he is the third son of a second rate tribal chief), but is generous with his magic blessing the faithful and their crops, and healing all who seek his assistance (although the pretty girls, especially those willing to reciprocate with "healing" of their own, are always his first choice). Everyone is worthy of his help, some are just more worthy than others.    

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cormac is a short, scrawny man with boyish god looks and golden locks.    He wears thick and colorful clothing with a golden torc. He plays the Crwth, a stringed instrument, wears a dagger, and carries a short bow, with which he has middling skill, at best.

Cormac discovered a part of himself he never knew existed after making love with a satyr