Darrondar Kor

Priest of Ram Kor at Eastpoint Castle.  
Darrondar Kor leads the worship of Ram Kor at the long table in the shrine each midday, when he raises a horn of mead in honor of fallen warriors. At sunset, he leads a handful of the faithful in song Table of the Sword. Darrondar Kor used to be a soldier in the Fultonian Army during the Sua Hills War and he came to Eastpoint Castle after an ill-fated skirmish left most of his company dead. Although many priests of Ram Kor are interested in stirring up war, Darrondar Kor is more devoted to honoring the slain and giving warriors courage in battle. His home adjacent to the drill field gives him many opportunities to interact with soldiers, and he’s slowly winning people over.
  As all priests of Ram Kor, he has replaced is born last name with "Kor" the surname of his patron deity.