Delfena Ondabarl

An old mage, among the academics at the Lore Spire in the dwarven city of Hammerfast.   One of her ancestors fought and was slain by the Dragon Calastryz, and she is the last in the long line of mages who have been waiting for the return of the multi-headed serpent.  Her ancient relative was the wizard Starris confronted Calastryx and Yarlzedd and they waged an epic battle that spilled across the mountain range over a year. She is the last of her line, which has been training for the return of Calastryx. Now that the Dragon has returned, she is too old for the final fight.   The party met her on their visit to Eastpoint Castle, but she was too old to join the party, but gave them treasure that can help defeat the evil monster.    Her main students are:  
  • Parker Gross, a Fultonian lesser noble.
  • Karima, an Arabic merchant’s daughter.
  • Robin Puck, a scrawny half-elf male with blond hair, pale complexion, glasses and who avoids eye contact.
  • Gretta, a short, round woman with rich clothing and jewelry with her servant Matilda.
She lives in one of the town of Eastpoint's walled towers.   The walls of Eastpoint are ten feet thick and twenty feet tall with a battlement walkway behind crenellations. The towers, entered from the ground and the walls, stand another ten feet taller than the walls and have bartizans at their outer corners.   A curious feature of Eastpoint’s walls is Delfena’s Tower. When the wizard Delfena first came to Eastpoint, this tower was under construction. She paid the town well to take over the tower in exchange for swearing to help protect Eastpoint. This she did to the best of anyone’s reckoning, until her disappearance.   Delfena was presumed dead a century ago. The duke’s guards reclaimed the tower, loading all the wizard’s goods into crates they stored on the ground floor. Those on duty in the tower frequently complained of unexplained lights and eerie noises, but nothing came of such phenomena.   Then Delfena returned, looking not a day older. Prince Darfin Floshin and other long-lived citizens confirmed it was Delfena, but the mage would not explain her absence. She again offered a large sum and his oath for the tower. This time she agreed to terms for dispersal of her goods if she disappears again.   Like the other towers, this one is three stories tall.   The top story is Delfena’s living quarters. She uses the second story to meet guests, and teach and house students she takes on. The first story contains a stable for his riding mule and is used for storage. The inside of the tower is larger than the outside and it has secret, changeable rooms.   The tower’s arrow loops are small, since they’re intended to allow Delfena to target spells. The windows facing the town are larger, providing a her a good view.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, thin woman appears to be around 80 years old with wrinkles. Carries her herself with dignity, even if she moves slowly with a cane. Her face has the beauty that only age and laughter can bring.
Deflenda provided the party with magic to aid them in their mission.   She provides 5 magic arrows: 1 arrow of dragon slaying, 1 arrow of necromancer slaying, 1 arrow of demon slaying, 1 arrow of Drow slaying and 1 arrow of Duegar slaying.    5 protection schrools: 1 protection from Dragon breath, 1 Protection from Demons and 3 protection from Necromatic spells.    Books on Black Dragon, and a Whos Who of Demons and Devils   Cleric schrolls: Heal, Cure Serious Wounds   Potions: 10 healing potions.