Descent into the Frost Giant Narl's Glacial Rift: Game 9

General Summary

The party continued its exploration of the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giants ending the game on the second level with the party rescuing the storm giantess and hiding out in her lair to rest, heal and recoup spells. The storm giantess cast a spell upon the party. It allows the party 12 hours of rest that will only take 12 minutes of time. The party is able to heal and learn spells without stirring up the hive evil giants and their allies.

Key Learnings:

  The white dragons are the pets of the Frost giant Chief Narl, who the male white dragon says raised the dragon from an egg.
  The frost giant lair is inhabited by numerous ambassadors from other giants, and ogre magi, which are gathering for the upcoming war against humanity.   Other learnings above in the descriptions for each room.   Key events by room number:

Frost Giant Level 1 Player View
Level 1:
  • Room 13: Ice cavern home to yetis.
  • The party elected not to fully explore this room
  • Room 14: Misty Ice cave.
  • Hot air escapes from somewhere beneath the filters into this place making it full of cold, damp fog. The fog cuts visibility to 3 feet and ground is slippery. The party elected not to explore the cave.
  • Room 15: Ice cave with two snow leopards.
  • The party elected not to explore the cave.
  • Rooms 16-19:
  • Frost giant barracks with sleeping hides, table, stools, frost giant weapons. No frost giants. No obvious treasure, but the party did not do a comprehensive search.
  • Room 20:
  • Ice storage cave full of large and small piles of frozen meant, some of which resembles human and demi-humans.
  • Room 21:
  • A rune of warning is carved into the ice floor showing that the area is to be shunned. The walls are covered with some magic or mold which causes damage and the party gives up exploring the chamber.
  • Room 22: Guard cave with two frost giants.
  • The giants are slain mercilessly by the invading party. One was sleeping on a pile of hides, and there was no treasure.
  • Room 23: Guard cave with four frost giants.
  • The party slew them all, with the dwarf taking flight and chasing one down the passage way. The passage way eventually connects with Room 9 and gate going down to the second level.
  • Room 24: Visitors cave with 5 hill giants.
  • The party avoided this cave.
  • Room 25: Visitors cave with 5 stone giants.
  • The party avoided this cave.
  • Room 26: The cave is warmed by volcanic activity and lit by dim reddish light.
  • Two human necromancers, with nicer quarters, including nicer furs, table, benches, and a large brazier.
  • Frost Giant Map Level 2

  • Level 2:
  • Natural rock formations with some ice and some rough hewn passageways and enlargements here and there. Passages are about 25 feet high while the roofs of small caverns are 30-40 feet high and the larger rooms 45-60 feet high. In areas with light, there are torches and cressets that are inhabited by caged fire beetles.
  • Room 1: Grand entry cavern
  • An impressive cavern with the walls bearing carvings of battles and hunting scenes in bas-relief. These carved scenes show giants slaying enemies, hunting dragons and other fearsome monsters. Light was provided by torches.

  • Room 2: White dragons.
  • A large ancient male and medium sized very old female white dragon. The male dragon is sitting up a heap of treasure: tens of thousands of coins (appearing to be mostly platinum, silver and electrum), boxes, statues, thousands of gems, various weapons, armor and shields, and other items. The female dragon is on a higher ledge, and was not noticed at first and it is unclear what, if any treasure, is on the ledge. Grady the Bard entered and engaged the white dragon in conversation and talked his way out of leaving the cavern.
  • Room 3: Storage cave.
  • Carcasses, broken boxes with spoiled provisions, sacks of moldy grain, casks of wine turned to vinegar, and barrels of ale.
  • Room 4: Cavern.
  • The cavern appeared to be deserted with broken items of giant furniture, 3 frost giant skeletons, thousands of gold coins around the skeletons and a shield. The giant shield is half buried under stone rumble and it appears that it was attempting to flee. In section B, there are 6 ice toads.

  • Room 5: Entrance cave with frost giants.
  • The party slew them without them blowing in a great iron horn hung with iron chains. No treasure was found.
  • Room 6: Cave with 5 ogre-magi.
  • The party elected not to fight or explore the cave.
  • Room 7: Cloud giant.
  • Cave with a 24 foot tall cloud giant with a handsome, muscular human like build of a weight lifter, milky white skin tinged with blue and silver white hair, lit by torches and the room is nice with tapestries on the walls and skins on the floor, a best, table, chairs, cabinet and bed.
  • Room 8: Prison cavern.
  • Lit by torches and a 26 foot tall storm giantess with plate light green skin, dark green hair and glittering emerald eyes. She is chained on the north wall with huge manacles at wrists and ankles. There is a fur rug with a table and two chairs with heads of food on golden platers, silver bowls and two flagons of ivory set with gems. The party elected to free the storm giantess in exchange for her agreement to assist the party, which was given as long as the party did not decide to attack against impossible odds. She wants to return home, but has agreed to help.
  • Room 9: Servants quarters cavern.
  • 16 ogres with piles of poor quality hides and rags, boxes, pegs with clothes on the walls, and sacks.
  • Room 10: Antecavern.
  • Antecavern with 4 frost giantess guards with clubs, spears and throwing boulders. They are well trained and alert. This is the first room with cressets that are inhabited by caged fire beetles.
  • Rewards Granted

    Treasure Obtained:
    • None

    Report Date
    01 Feb 2020
    The last Game Session was: Death of Joan: Game 8
    The next Game Session was: Frost Giant Rebellion: Game 10
    Eastpoint Castle to Sentinel Fortress