Escape from the Caves: Game 20

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides  
  • Plundered a portion of the dragon hoard.
  • Slew Drow that were following the Company.
  • Slew Fire Giant warriors guarding the entrance up to the Fire Giant caves.


  The caves are all natural, the tunnels and caverns showing no signs of marks or being hollowed out, except for the entrance where the characters came into the cavern from the teleportation room. The areas of the level are dark and still. Only a few are lit, like the lava cavern. All passages are at least 15 feet high, small caves are 20 or so feet from floor to ceiling and large caverns are anywhere from 25 to 75 feet high. A few patches of phosphorescent growth can be seen from time to time. When the Company remains still, you sometimes hear water dripping or a far distant echoing of stone against stone, but only a singular experience. Movement often is reduced as the Company must crawl over and round rock piles and formations. Carrying items in hands during certain times is not possible, as your hands are needed to climb or steady one self.

Dragon Hoard

The Company plundered the treasure trove of the over millennium year old red dragon Brazzemal, which consisted of an astonishing riches of glittering copper, silver and gold across the ground, the serpent's den was packed with goblet and vessels from the past, crusted and cording, rusty armor all eaten away, armbands and jewelry everywhere that are artfully wrought, glittering gems, ivory statutes with inlays of gems and precious metals, and the promise of greater treasures covered by the heaps of coins and the valueless rusted weapons and armor. The players kept track of which items were taken.

Drow Fight

A group of Drow who either heard the fight with Brazzemal, or had been following the party, were seen by the elf mage Twin using Yarlzedd's magic cloak. The Company ambushed the Drow, engaged in a brutal fight, and gave no quarter.

Fire Giants

The door and passage to the Fire Giant lair was guarded by Fire Giant warriors, some of whom were resting in a loft area above the door. The Company killed all the Fire Giants, and destroyed their horn, which would have altered other giants and/or Drow of an attack.
Report Date
02 Jan 2023
Fire Giant Caves
Fire Giant Caves map with player knowledge as of Game 21.