Grand Library

The largest collection of books in the Inner Reaches is Hammerfast's Grand Library, which serves as a powerful magnet for sages, adventures and anyone else interested in ancient lore.  However, the strife between Alzar Scrollkeeper, Head Librarian and Cherndon the Mad, Grand Library researcher can make it difficult to gain complete assistance in searching the library's tomes.  The sages of the Lore Guild make an effort to catalog and organize the books, but the bountiful texts from Sua Hill refugees will ensure that it takes decades if not centuries to complete the task.  Rumors persist of of tomes that remain untouched since Hammerfast's falls in Bloodspear Orc Invasion, undiscovered among the library's sprawling shelves.       The library is a single story above ground building, with four basement levels.  Its top level contains a few chambers of books and many scriptoriums and small chambers in which experts conduct classes and visiting scholars copy or study works.  There is a forge on the bottom basement room with a separate entrance from the top level used for fashioning metal tablets.  The basement levels contain rows after rows of dusty tomes.  Open flames are prohibited, and those without infravision must use some sort of magical light.
by Paizo Publishing