
Gwen is a Celtic bard from the town of Mawatt in the Albae tribe in the Nation of Galletica.   Gwen is one of the advisers of Chief Harl Wartooth having served him for years, including during the Ascension of Chief Marshal Trant and when High Queen Tegwedd is Elected at the Great Kingsmoot. Her primarily role is a witty poet known for her wisdom, biting insults, humorous epics, and satire. She has traveled, and has complied stories from the various tribees of Galletica and Northern Fultar, but she has not journeyed to the main baronies of Fultar or Bevil.   She was seduced and feel for the Viking skald Ivand, during his short vist in Mawatt escorting Ankili mac Aevyrn south to Immersea.  
by Caroline Watts